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The man sent him a big smile, making Yisan look at his bodyguard and request another phone, "Give me another phone

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The man sent him a big smile, making Yisan look at his bodyguard and request another phone, "Give me another phone. I can't see it," he said. [Name] adjusted her arm, making Yisan see it properly, and he started dialing the bank again.

A minute later, the man's phone made a beep, and he whistled, then smiled at Yisan, indicating that the money had been deposited. The man looked at [Name] and nudged her to go to her brother, but [Name] looked at him with a sense of betrayal.

Yisan mentioned to his bodyguard to grab [Name], who began to struggle and curse at the man and her brother. " Get of me ! Fuck you asshole " she shout and the two bodyguard pulling away in he room but the man said something make her look at him

"Sweetheart, ngumiti ka naman dyan, di ka mamatay. Ako'ng bahala sa'yo," he said, blowing her a flying kiss.

In response, [Name] defiantly gave him a middle finger before being taken away by the guards. The man's expression softened for a moment before he returned to the tense situation at hand.

As the man walked away, he glanced back at Yi-san with a smile and taunted, "I'll spend the 10 million dollars wisely, a charitable donation, perhaps?" His small smirk revealed a dimple, as if he found the situation amusing.

Yi-san began to chuckle in response, calling out to the man, "Fucker, where do you think you're going?" He pointed the gun at the man's head, while the other bodyguard aimed their weapon as well.

Despite the danger, the man's smirk persisted, his confidence unwavering.

Meanwhile, the two bodyguards who were dragging [Name] away looked back at the scene unfolding. Fear began to grip her once again, and she felt her stomach churn with dread. "Even if you kill me, you can't take back the 10 million dollars," the man said provocatively.

Yi-san smirked, his teeth gritted with anger. "I know, you bastard, but I won't let you. My reputation will be ruined because of a scumbag like you stealing my money," he said, his frustration evident in his voice. He pressed the gun harder against the man's head.

"Reconsider it. It's not worse than death, right?" the man countered, seemingly unfazed by the threat against him.

Yi-san, fueled by rage and pride, kept the gun pointed steadily at the center of the man's head, gritting his teeth in response. "Even in this situation, you're still so full of yourself, huh?" Yi-san spat back.

"Did I not tell you many times that I'm a professional, an expert?" the man stated calmly, and Yi-san scoffed in response.

As [Name] watched the tense standoff, she heard the man scream something that sent shivers down her spine.

"Baba!" he shouted, and in an instant, another round of gunfire erupted, making her crouch in the corner, covering her ears to block out the horrifying sounds.

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