Babysitter (g!p)

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i'll keep it as freenbecky guys. ENJOYYYYYYY!!!!!




"She goes down so easy with you," Freen hears as she eases a sleeping Yuna onto her bed, almost jumping at Mrs Rebecca's light whisper. She feels her cheeks warm at the praise, tucking the toddler in tightly before she even acknowledges the older woman's presence, tugging at the sleeve of her team sweater nervously.

"She's just used to having me around," Freen waves of, earning a tender smile from the older woman and feeling her heart skip. She swallows thickly, especially with Mrs Rebecca so unnecessarily close. "I - I should get going. I've got a lot of work to do."

Freen feels her arm burn as Mrs Rebecca catches it, feels her stomach drop as she steps just a little closer, almost as if under the woman's spell as she speaks.

"Come on," Mrs Rebecca starts, her hand trailing along the length of her arm. "Won't you keep me company for a little while? It's so lonely around here"

Freen swallows thickly, finds herself nodding despite herself, finds herself trailing after Mrs Rebecca and her alluring gaze, soon finding herself shirtless against Mrs Rebecca's plush bed, moaning lowly at the older woman's feverish kisses.

"M-Mrs Rebecca," Freen whimpers out as her kisses move downwards, feels her cock twitch in her loose trousers at the scolding look she receives.

"Enough of that," She hears, through the ringing in her mind and the pounding of her heart. "I've told you a million times to call me Becky."

Freen gasps out as her trousers are pulled downwards, exposing her half-hard cock, pulsing with pleasure at the lone finger Becky drags along its length. "I - I don't think this is a good idea. Your wife-."

"Is never home," Becky rolls her eyes, smirking at the soft groan she earns as she presses a kiss to the tip of Freen's pale, weighty shaft, her fingers hardly able to curl around its girth. "You'll break my heart if you say no."

How could she possibly say no now, her head falling back against the sheets as Becky envelopes the head between her lips, suckling as if she was eating a popsicle and not her babysitter's dick. She curls her fingers into the sheets at the thought, of fucking the older woman in her own home, in her own bed - the same bed that she slept in with her wife.

Becky was no better.

She moans around the thick head nestled into her mouth, pumps her hand slowly as she works her way down, drinking in every whimper she hears, every moan. Freen is hot, heavy on her tongue, and Becky feels herself drip at the thought of being stretched by the heavy dick stretching her jaw right now.

Becky squeezes her thighs together, bobs her head a few more times before she can't help herself anymore, rising up to straddle Freen and grind against her thick shaft.

Freen's chest heaves with the groan of protest that leaves her as Becky withdraws, but she's quickly placated as Becky's searing core settles against her pulsing shaft. Bare. The older woman had been expecting this.

"Off," Freen breathes out, sitting up and tugging Becky's flimsy nightgown off, pressing into another heady kiss as soon as the garment hits the floor, hips rocking up to match the pace of Becky's.

This was so wrong. But Freen can hardly consider that now, one hand cupping Becky's hefty breast, the other guiding Becky's hips further, until the thick head notches against her tight entrance.

Becky falls away from their kiss at the feeling. Her low moan is breathy against Freen's ear, her thighs trembling and her toes clenching as Freen tries to work herself inside, seeming to have her troubles despite how wet Becky was.

FREENBECKY ONE SHOTS Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon