Chapter 15 (A Raid?)

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There were four more days for her holidays to be over so she finally decided to get her 'secret something' get going. She opened her laptop and sneezed...damn it, did she catch a cold because of the rain? Well, whatever.

She started to type something and finally pressed enter with a sense of relief as she grinned evilly,

"Time to catch a black bird tonight~"

The night fell quickly as she packed a small black bag with all the things she needed for a raid... cause when she was with that bird guy or Vader, she noticed his unusual ring glowing when he was using his powers. If her hunch was correct, it will be worth it for risking her life.

She got dressed in full black to get camouflaged with the dark vibrant night, and smirked as she knows his location, for, she was working on finding his location the entire time in secret. ( Reference to chapter 8 aka the 'secret something')


She slowly sneaked in one of his open windows and face planted on the floor as she got up quickly and rubbed her poor broken nose and was very careful to not make a single noise. Cause if she makes any commotion, it is game over for her.

She slowly searched all the cabinets she could find in that room while some dust particles caused her to sneeze. She moved on as she was desperately trying to get that ring, it has to be somewhere! She opened another dusty drawer and unfortunately sneezed a bit louder,

"Bless you, darling"

"Ah, thank you" she replied without a second thought as realisation immediately hits her. She slowly turned around in slow-motion dramatically and saw the man she was about to raid just chilling over a sofa, watching her with crossed legs and superiority while popping in a delicious Litchi,

"Never knew I had guests over tonight in midnight, love~"

"W-Wait please don't-"

"Wanna have some tea with me, dear?" He asked as he snapped his finger and in a blink of a moment, a whole table appears randomly with fancy covers, teacups, pots, and snacks. Carol was literally confused as heck...who the h*ll gives a teaparty to a person who just broke into their house? Is this a trick or something?

"E-Eh?" She hesitated,

"My dear totally invited guest, I insist"

She glanced at the open window with random thoughts, but will she be able to escape a man who could teleport near her any second? It would be wise to just obey him for now. So she sat obediently on one of the chairs and stayed quiet as he sipped his hot tea calmly,

"I am curious, how did you do it, dear?" He asked pouring her a cup of piping hot tea,

"D-Do what?"

"Don't be so nervous around me love, I don't bite" he laughed, while offering her a cup of tea, "how did you track my place, sweetheart? I am pretty sure you can't place any trackers inside my house, so?"

"O-Outside..." She muttered in fear,

"Right...should have known, and I am pretty positive that you were the one who hacked into my laptop and leaked my plans for that museum hiest which ended with sleeping gas?"

"What! Nooooooo?" She sang as she smiled childishly which gave her away, "ok fine, what are you going to do to me now...?"

"Hmm? What do you expect me to do? Force you to marry me, my Romeo?" (Reference to chapter 10!)

"Y-You still remember that?! I-I mean, forget that ever happened..."

He giggled as he burst out laughing. He dragged his chair back with his legs and gets up from his seat and approaches her with a little slam on the table with his hands which made her jerk,

"And now why are you here, dear?" He asked, his voice sounding serious,

"U-Uhm...will you believe if I said for nothing?" She giggled nervously as he just nodded in denial, "I am too young to die! Don't kill me please-"

"As I said before, I don't like violence, love" he sneered while creeping to back of her chair as he suddenly grasped her shoulders which made her shiver a bit,

"Can I leave like before?" She asked with hope still staring at the cup of tea infront of her nervously while trying to avoid the man behind her,

"Leave? Ofcourse you can dear, but..."


"But you have to keep me company for some time, love~" he sang as he suddenly dragged her chair towards him and gestures her to follow him as he slid open his balcony door, "Come, dear"

She quickly got up and sighed as she stood by the brim of the balcony door with no hope, "Are you sure that you are not going to yeet me out?"

"Just come, it is pretty calm here, love"

"Nothing is as calm as you, why the h*ll are you not bothered that I just broke into your house?"

"...I wouldn't have gave the same treatment if it was someone else other than you, love~" he sang as he rested his arms on the chilled balcony railings, "Now do you wish to leave or not?"

"R-right, just don't throw me out of the balcony" she sighed as she walks in the breezy balcony with no other choice and glances at him, "Now what do you want?"

"You~" he winked as he laughed at her reddish face and assumed that she was just cold, "Are you cold or is it just me, love?"

"You and your cheesy jokes..." she muttered as she crossed her arms tightly and shivered a little as a breeze hits her, "I-It is cold"

Suddenly came a hand by her shoulder with a gentle grip as her attention turned to the person beside her, her cheeks flushed into a reddish shade as she quickly went back to gaze at the stars while being a little startled,

"The night sure is cold, love" he said while gripping her,

"When will you ever stop calling me by those weird names you bird brained idiot?" She muttered angrily as usual as she was silently enjoying his company,

"Never, my love~"


I was literally smiling like a crazy person while writing this chapter lol-

I mean, it is just too cute-


A Villain Or A Gentleman...?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora