Chapter 11 (All for a little seatbelt?)

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We finally got some romance brewing!


"Now it time for you to do your part in our deal, darling~" he sang while one of his palms rested on his cheeks,

"WHY DO YOU KEEP CALLING ME BY THOSE WEIRD NICKNAMES?!" She yelled, aviating her eyes away from his gaze while being a little flustered,

"Ever heard of the word 'sarcasm', love~?" He winked,

" are just so good in getting in my nerves" she clapped as a nerve popped on her forehead, "annoying bird brained man..."

"Always, love~" he sneered, "Now, all that aside..."

"W-what?" She whimpered as she definitely swear that his voice sounded deeper and more terrifying than his normal sweet self,

"Where have you imprisoned my sister...?" He questioned her with a glare she could not see, but could definitely feel. She gulped as she stays silent,

"Cat got your tongue? Now speak up" he ordered, "Be quick, love, we had a deal"

"...fine" she muttered with a defeated sigh as she tugged his sleeves lightly, "Don't you dare break her out or anything...I will kill you"

"Physically or mentally, dear?" He asked with an innocent smile as he turned his head to the side like a cute kitten,

"IT IS A GODAMN EXPRESSION, GEEZ...!" She replied while throwing him in her car aggressively,

"You could be a little more gentler to your Juliet, my little Romeo~"

She rolled her eyes and sat comfortably in the driver's seat. She spared a glance at the annoying guy beside her and suddenly jerked out of her seat and leaned over him for a moment. He felt her hot breath through his mask, is she going to kiss him or something? (×/////×)

He flinched back as he was startled by her, suddenly pinning him to his seat. Shouldn't this be the other way around? (It really is Juliet and Romeo lol)

He stared at her bewitching hazel orbs and fell lost in them. He felt his heart literally going crazy and he would probably have a heart attack if it beats any faster! He held his breath like a pufferfish and closed his eyes shut, not knowing what to do in this kind of situation! How naive, my guy.

Then all he heard was a quick clack of metals interlocking with each other and she immediately retreated back to her seat and fastened her seatbelt as well. He slowly peeked with one of his eye as her sweet fragrance was gone-

"Villain or no villain, safety first!" She exclaimed, as she checked her rear mirrors and back mirror to take off the ride.

"W-what just happen?" He stuttered like a kid, still startled,

"Oh...was I a little too close? Sorry for making you uncomfortable, bird brain" she said while burrowing her eyebrows,


"You are cheesy all the time, but you can't even handle a small thing like this?" She giggled and teased, "how innocent~"

He stayed quiet, but under his mask, he was a bright red tomato who just wants to burrow himself to the ground like an ostrich to escape from this embarrassment-

"Shush, love!"

"Whatever, weirdo"


She took off her car and immediately noticed that something was off. She felt like...she was in danger. Intuition never lies does it?

"Love, that black car and the other red car is-"

"I know" she said bluntly as she slowed down the car and cracked her knuckles, "It is just about time"

"Darling, are you really that confident that you can do it without my help?" He asked with concern while checking the rear mirror beside him from time to time, "what did you even do to provoke those idiots, dear?"

"I just hacked into their computer and maybe uhh...stolen some of their plans to steal millions of dollars-" she smirked, "and maybe now, they just want payback!"

"How are you so casual about it, darling?"

"Cause I know how to handle it myself, mr bird brain" she mumbled as she suddenly stumped the accelerator with all the force she could, the car took off with a front wheelie and a little yell,


She simply smirked and harshly swang the driving wheel to the side, the car turns roughly while almost hitting the traffic signal, it was a just miss. The black car who was catching up, crashed into one of the electric poles, while the red car still chased them,

"Woah love! You have some amazing driving skills!"

"I KNOW RIGHT! I SHOULD GET A LICENSE SOON!" She yelled with a crazy look on her face,

"A lisence soon...? SO YOU DONT HAVE ONE, DEAR?" He screamed, gripping the car handle as hardly he could,"you are such a daredevil, love"

"I KNOW RIGHT!" she screamed as she took another harsh turn, "DID WE LOOSE THEM NOW?"

"Sadly no, dear" he said while sneakily checking the back mirror,

"I guess I have no other choice..." She sighed as she steadily kept one of her hands on the steering wheel while the other reached to her pocket and took a gun out of it,

"L-love! I will teleport us! Please don't attempt a first degree murder!"

She rolled her eyes while suspending her gun out of the window, she looked at the rear mirror for a second and pulled the trigger. She didn't even look back! All she did was aim while glancing at a rear mirror once! What a menace!

"...oh you just wanted to flat their tyre to stop them! You scared me for a moment there, darling" he sneered while looking at the red car which was now in a condition where it can't move, "but how did you aim without even turning back, dear?"

"There is something called as skills that you obviously don't have, bird brain"

"Awe~ you are hurting my feelings, my love~"


Get my poor dude some Litchis for his sufferings-

And her skills...was she a freakin' assassin in her last life or something?


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