Chapter-9 (She is mine~)

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(Somewhere in the city)

"Boss, someone got abducted again by that idiot and that idiot's idiotic followers"

"...I see...what is the location, Dani?"

"The abandoned A-161 warehouse, boss" Daniel replied while checking the details on his iPad,

"Hmm...Daniel, do you know the victim's name or...?" He asked as he popped in a juicy Litchi in his mouth casually,

"Caroline, I think" he said as he swiftly double-checked on his device,

"What? Why does this girl always gets into trouble?" He mumbled while chewing the sweet pulp,

"Probably because she is a member of the superheroes, duh!"

"Makes sense-"


(With Carol)

"Can I go home now?" Carol asked with a little sweet smile as she struggled to get out of the rope she has been tied with,

"No! What do you think? Just shut that loud mouth of yours, or else this duct tape in my hand will probably be stuck on your mouth forever!"

"Tsk...grumpy old hag" Carol muttered under her breath in irritation,

"What was that, lady?" Asked one of the goons in a terrifying tone,


"Whatever, but, why don't we demand a ransom to release this girl and then we crush them AND take the money?" Asked one of the goons to the other with an evil smirk,

"But isn't that illegal?" The villain replied back with a question,

"I-I mean, kidnapping a person is also illegal-" Carol spoke in a calming voice,

" have a point."


(In the superhero cooperation)

"We need to get her as soon as possible!"

"But Noah, shouldn't we plan first?" Asked Siofra, as Rachel nodded in agreement,

"No time to plan, my princess needs me" said Noah as he changed into Plasma in a matter of seconds with a single snap.

The two sighed as they regretted making him their captain again, while Plasma was leading the team to the abandoned warehouse, which was perfect for criminal activities. Creepy, abandoned and old.

"We are here" he said, his voice sounding serious, the two girls looked into each other's eyes and with a little smile, Rachel walked into the building's door and smashed it open with a single punch,

"Oh, finally! You heroes took your merry time...and here I was, losing my patience..."

"" Plasma asked, as his fists were literally on fire,

"1 million dollars, or you won't be seeing her again" the villain continued with a smirk,

" *Dramatic lip smack* WHO THE QUACK HAS A MILLION DOLLARS CASUALLY LYING IN THEIR POCKETS!?" Plasma raged as he checked his pockets and got out 5 cents from it,

"This is all I have, let her go, pretty please?" Plasma asked as he offered the villain a 5 cent coin,

"Pretty no, a million dollars or no girl"

" about..." Plasma started as he searched his pockets again and takes out another 5 cent coin,


"Y-you are hurting my feelings... *Sniff* *sniff* " Plasma said as he dramatically offered the ten cents to the guy again,



(With Carol behind this melodrama)

"Tsk...I don't think I will be saved anytime soon"

"Oh, don't worry dear" came a familiar voice, "Hi~"

"Y-YOU?" she said loudly, almost getting their attention, as he quickly closes her mouth with his gloved hands and gestures her to be quiet,

"Chill, sweetheart! I will get you out, but-"

"I would rather die than being saved by you! I could uhh...break myself free! Ya!" Carol mumbled as she flipped her head to the side in a 'hmph!', and attempts to rip the rope apart,

"Fine, suit yourself then, you will be here for a very long time with your little friend's stupidity" he said as he casually attempts to jump out of the window he just came from,

"w-wait!" she pleaded, very careful not to get anyone else's attention except his,

"I thought you didn't need my help, dear~?" He teased as he jumped back in quietly,

"J-just untie me" she said as her whole face heats up in embarrassment,

"Sure, but I need you to do something for me instead, how does that sound, dear?" He asked while kneeling down before her. Then he slowly tip-toed behind the chair to her tied hands and grabbed it softly,

"W-Whatever, just get me out of here" Carol replied harshly, struggling to keep her lips from curling into a smile, as her cheeks started to feel warm. She took deep breaths and calmed herself down, because...he is a villain! She can't fall for him over a small gentle touch!

He quickly grabbed a blade from his pocket and slashed through the layers of the ropes which were binding her wrists, as he was very careful not to scratch her skin,

"There, now it is your turn to-"

"WHAT THE FLIP IS GOING ON THERE!?!" Screamed one of the goons as the others rushed near the scene,

"Oh well, hello pal!" He greeted him as he casually puts his arm on her shoulders which instantly made her blush again-

"Hand over that girl, bird guy" said the villains in union in a threatening manner, while the superhero team casually watched the scene from where they stood in pure confusion,

" packet of Litchis, and I will give this pretty lady to you" he said while tightening his grip on her,

"WAIT T-THAT WAS NOT THE DEAL-" Carol yelled as she looked at him in a disappointing 'tch',

"That is the man behind the havoc'!" Rachel yelled, finally recognising the magnificent bird mask on him,

"Hmm...that is too mouthful to say, so just call me Vader, miss" he replied to her and then turned back to the villains, "Litchis now"

"Tsk...I just bought it, but whatever" said the villain as he hands over a packet of fresh Litchis to him,

"Oh, and by the way, my middle name is 'you', so Adios!" he said as he snapped away with the girl AND his Litchis in his arms, "She is mine~"

"C-Carol...?" Plasma muttered weakly as he just witnessed all that sh*t,

"...what just happen? Did I just get scammed with my Litchis and that annoying girl and my million dollars...?"


I really like REALLY wanted to use that middle name joke somewhere and bam! Here we go! Perfect.

That poor villain guy...just wanted a million bucks. But he sadly kidnapped the wrong person for it. Broke a** lol.

Just pronounce Vader as you pronounce Darth Vader!


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