Chapter-4 (Snoring beauty)

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(A few days later)

"What an amazing artwork, isn't it Dani?"

"Dude, that is literally a painting of a Litchi branch..." Daniel sighed,



"I forgot my Litchis in the taxi! what a waste...", told the masked man gloomily while he checked his pockets one more time,

"Dude! Act serious like a 25 year old grown man for once!"

"Fine! But I better get my Litchis back after this."

The black-masked man, tapped on his earpiece as it shuts off. Then he simply walked around the wooden floor-board which was partially filled with almost ripped off crimson-red carpets. As he was creeping over the creaking floor, his eyes layed on each and every artifacts and other artistic creations which were full of history, creativity and scientific importance and...Litchis!

He stopped by one of the painting which was an abstract art and analysed it for a second sharply before tapping on his earpiece again,

"I found it, now let me tell you the coordinates and-"

He suddenly became quiet and sniffed the air as he smelled a mysterious scent that he was pretty familiar about, it smelled like a permanent marker. He quickly pressed a button in his mask and let out a relief sigh,

"Daniel, you did not inform me about the anesthetic gas (aka sleepin' gas) security trap here...I almost fell for it!"


"It is ok Dani, why are you panicking? I just inhaled a little bit, my body can handle it"

"Right, I forgot about your mask! How lucky of you that I already thought about this prior and made a mode just for these stinky traps in your mask!"

"Well, if you are expecting appreciation from me, Dani, thank you"

"Your most welcome dude-"

The masked man shut off the ear peice, annoyed and made sure his mask was set right and then continued his work. He slowly reached his hand to the painting's frame, as a sudden faint thud sound came from behind him which made him startled. He turned around almost instantly with caution.

"Damn you Daniel..."

There was nothing or no one there, he walked a few more steps ahead, tracing his old footsteps just to be clear as it just creeped him out. Just about after he paced fifteen steps ahead, he noticed a brunette lady fainted on the floor probably because of the sleeping gas. But what is the lady doing here on the second floor? Isn't it supposed to be restricted for visitors?

He slowly slid his hands under the lady's head without second thought and lifted her head up from the ground, and looked at her in pure confusion,

"Daniel, you said-" he started complaining, as he lifted the girl up in his arms with his gloved hands,

"Dude, there is no time...I just got to know that Fio Re is comming, you should probably leave as soon as you can"

"...We will, don't worry man"

"We?" Daniel questioned, a little puzzled,

"Yes, we" the masked man reassured, glancing at the snoring lady in his arms,

" 'We' who now?"


(Two day earlier)

"Noah, that new villain is really something... " Whimpered Rachel,

"Tell me 'bout it, would ya?"

"That 'man in the havoc' guy is really plan to pull of a heist in a private museum!" she told in a serious voice,

He got up from his seat and firmly stumped his feet on the ground as his normal hoodie smoothly changed into a stylish superhero costume, first from his orange-red mask to his pitch black boots,

" Then what are you waiting for Rachel? we got a heist to wreck!" He exclaimed, as he started to walk off to the exit,

"I f-forgot to say that it is few days later, my bad-"

"Oh..." he sighed as he changed back to his normal clothes in a single snap, the room instantly filled with awkward silence between 'em.

"Awkward" both said at the same time,

"Noah, don't you think Carol is looking like a worn-out tube of a 100 year old wheel of a bicycle?" Rachel broke the silence, "In my opinion, the worn-out tire-tube deserves some rest"

"I mean, she was shoving in atleast five cups of coffee down her throat yesterday" agreed Noah, "and she doesn't even like coffee!"

"Whatever, I don't think she should work anymore for some time..." Rachel mumbled,

"Ok then! I am officially giving her one week of holiday from today!" Noah exclaimed with a bright smile as he imagined her asking him out to the beach for the week! What a Simp.

The two heroes strolled to Carol's room and pushed open the door to see that girl sleeping like a small kiddo on her work bench, her head buried under her crossed arms, comfortably.

They both exchanged a smile as Rachel took a peice of paper and wrote a little note and slid it under Carol's crossed arms. Rachel poked her best friend's nose and giggled as she dragged Noah out back to the living room so that the snoring lady would snore for a little more longer.

The note:

"Dear Caroline,
As you look like a worn-out tire-tube, and a panda, me and Noah can't afford to see you like that for any longer. So, we gave you a week of holidays for you to enjoy and rest those eye bags, my sweetheart~

Rachel ❤️"


(With Caroline after she woke up and read the note)

"A heist tomorrow in the second floor of that private museum, and they plan to exclude me from the main plan, again!" She talked to herself, as she stared at the empty white celing to find something in that emptiness,

"I got it! I am going to the museum tomorrow and be a part of it one way or the other!" She muttered, excited for some action as she turned to the other side of the bed, while squashing a pillow nervously and tightly in her arms,

"I will just stay in the first floor and make sure everything goes smooth. I will get roasted to a burnt toast if I slip into the second floor..."


Any idea who the lady is that our masked main lead saved from the museum~?


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