Truly problematic-wonderful coincidence

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At first, I was a little late at school, as I discovered that Horikita was still walking up the stairs for some reason. That's why I had to hide for a while before I successfully escaped from the school building away from the demon's eyes. I don't know what she's doing there or what she's waiting for, but I don't want to delve into something like this again.

As a result, all I had to do was go to the dorm, where I would be completely safe from my annoying classmate or anyone else, but suddenly along the way I met a slightly deserted area. From this side, the students left in whole small groups and looked either scared or dissatisfied. I wonder what happened? Did Sudo get angry at someone again and start threatening everyone around?

I decided to check it out and made a mistake. It turned out to be not my unbalanced classmate at all, this is the guy I met only once.

Because of Ryuen, the place now seemed much more deserted than usual. All these people probably had heard about his character, so they didn't want to cross paths with him, or he drove them away himself. Although in any case, hardly anyone wants to be here at all, since the only ice cream stall in this place is now closed, in fact, there is nothing and no one here except Ryuen and his gang.

Of course, it's not entirely clear why the stall is closed now, because it's not that late yet, but perhaps it won't be opened until summer, as it usually happens. If so, then everything is quite simple.

Although okay, I'm lying a little. Of course, there's someone here besides Ryuuen and his gang. This girl is from Class B or she's just a Class C spy, I don't know. In short, for simplicity, I'd rather call her a girl with a soft toy in her hands. She's surrounded by Ryuuen's people right now, it's pretty sad no matter how you look at it. It doesn't matter if she accidentally got caught by him and his lackeys on the way or she works for him, this situation still doesn't look happy for her.

At first I thought about whether I should stay here and risk my health, but then I made an important decision. Horikita wanted me to find out something, didn't she? So that's what I'm going to do to avoid risks to my school life because of her participation. I hope she'll leave me alone after that. In any case, I had to be quiet enough until I reached a closed stall, around the corner of which I could hide.

Ah, it's a pity they don't sell ice cream now. I'd like an apple-glazed ice cream. I hope they will open in the summer so that I can experience this amazing frozen world. Many magazines for girls write that such a treat as ice cream is the best in the world, I tend to trust such a conclusion.

– You're from Class B, aren't you? What do you need?

Ryuen was the first to strike up a conversation with her when this girl approached him, but only for second.

– Didn't Ryuen-san talk to you just now? And what kind of stupid bear is this?

His supporter, Ishizaki, stood in front of this girl as she walked past Ryuuen. She wasn't interested in him either, so she tried to pass him too without saying a word.

– Hey, wait a minute!

This situation didn't seem to be any good, so I quickly typed a text message to Ichinose and Kanzaki, since this girl is their classmate. I suppose, since I informed them about everything using my smartphone, then there should be no more complaints about me. I have already intervened enough in the situation, more than I would like. After all, I still need to preserve my peaceful school life, so it wouldn't be good if Ryuen turned his eyes on me.

In any case, Ishizaki detained this girl by grabbing her hand, and she only shuddered at his touch in response, but did nothing. It reminds me a bit of the moments from the books when the main detective finds victims of sexual abuse. I wonder if anything similar has happened to her in the past?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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