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Katherine smiled and Damon noticed "what about you over there, smiley? Do you know where she is"

"I can give you a hint, start by looking at the town morgue. She's probably dead...she went to meet a friend of mine, you may know him, an original brother, impeccable taste?"

"Elijah?" Rebekah said

"Elijah's here?" Damon said

"It probably took him about 10 seconds to realize that wasn't me. At which point he probably yanked her heart right out of her chest"

"all right where are they?..... Rebekah you do realize if something's happened to Elena you have no chance of finding the cure, right?" Stefan said

"fine, they were supposed to meet at the gazebo by the park"

"I'll go talk to Elijah" Stefan said as he was about to stand up

"you deal with Elijah, Katherine will take us to the cure"

"no she won't....the cure is the one chance to win my freedom back from Klaus" Katherine said

"you gonna broker a deal with Klaus?" Damon asked

"No, she's gonna get Elijah to broker a deal for her, that's why you need your little friend. Isn't it? Some things never change Katherine" Stefan said

"nope" Damon said

"fine, move you have to follow me" she said to Rebekah sitting in the way.

We followed Katherine to a house and we got in.

She got to a bookshelf and threw a book to the ground and said

"it's gone, the cure it was in the safe. But it's not there"

"not falling for it. Where is it auntie Katherine?" Damon says

"I swear it was in the safe" Kath said

"just like Elijah your boyfriend and this is really your life? For all we know, this isn't your house" Rebekah said.

"Doesn't look like the Katherine I know" Damon said

"maybe you don't know Katherine at all, did it ever occur to you that you have no idea who I really am?"

"Did it ever occur to you that you're not that deep? This whole small town girl thing, we all know it's an act" Damon said

"where is the cure?" Rebekah asked and then she ran to Katherine

Damon said "hang on, we need her alive if the cures not here, you check upstairs and me and Tara checks down here".

Me and Damon looked around and tried to find it. Damon then took down his hand in the tank and it was filled with vervain in it so I grabbed a fishing net

"here take this" as Damon was going to take up the cure Katherine pushed down his face in the tank

I tried to push her away but she took a box that was in the water and was about to run out but Rebekah stopped her

"give it to me or you're dead"

"you're gonna kill me anyway. What's more important my death or the cure"

Katherine threw it behind her and Rebekah took the cure as Katherine ran out.

Rebekah opened the cure and she drank as Stefan came in and yelled "no!".

She drank it and then fell to the couch.

Stefan was really mad and yelled at me and Damon about the cure

The forbidden love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora