In the distance, I spotted a photobooth and made a quick decision to hide there, hoping to evade my relentless pursuer.

Inside the photobooth, my fingers trembled as I fumbled for my phone. I dialed Mr. Kim's telephone number, the only person I could trust in this perilous situation. "Come on, pick up," I whispered urgently under my breath.

Finally, a connection was made, and Mr. Kim's voice sounded on the other end, "Hello?"

My heart raced as I tried to catch my breath. "Mr. Kim, it's me," I said, my voice shaking. "Someone is trying to kill me. I need your help."

Before I could provide any further details, panic surged through me as I spotted the ominous black Benz speeding towards me again.

Instinct took over, and I swiftly hung up the phone, knowing I didn't have time to explain everything.

I spotted an open convenience store up ahead. I dashed inside, hoping to find a place to hide or perhaps someone to help me. The cashier looked up with surprise as I burst in, soaked from head to toe and gasping for breath.

"Are you okay? What happened?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.I struggled to find the right words, my voice shaking as I explained, "I-I'm being chased. Please, can you help me?"

Before the cashier could respond, a bell jingled at the entrance, and I froze. It was him - the man from the Benz.

He stood there, a sinister smile on his face, clearly not concerned about the rain or the chase. My heart sank as I realized that my hope of finding help had quickly turned into a trap.

"Hey there, sweetheart. No need to be frightened. I just want to talk," he said with a chilling calmness and looked at the cashier, giving her a smile.

"My wife is just playing, you know. It's our little kink, chasing in public," he said.

I glanced around, trying to find an escape route, but the man seemed to have anticipated my every move. My only chance was to make a run for it.

As he took a step closer, I bolted towards the back of the store, pushing through the aisles, and knocking over a stack of canned goods.

I could hear him closing in, and panic surged through me. I reached the back door, praying it was unlocked. With a silent plea to the universe, I turned the handle, and to my relief, it swung open. I dashed outside, the rain pouring down on me again as I ran into the dark alley behind the store.

The narrow streets and maze-like alleys offered me some hope of losing my pursuer. I darted through the rain-soaked streets, my mind racing with fear and uncertainty. The adrenaline pushed me forward, and I tried to think of any possible places to hide.

As I heard the car engine approaching, my heart pounded even harder, and I pushed myself to run faster. The relentless pursuit continued, and I darted through the narrow alleys, desperately seeking any route to escape.

To my surprise, the man's car suddenly got stuck between the walls of the tight alley. Frustration etched on his face as he realized he couldn't proceed any further.

Without a moment's hesitation, he climbed out of the car through the hood and started chasing me on foot, his determination unwavering.

"Hey, You woman!!!" he yelled, tauntingly. "Why are you doing this? I never miss my target. Even if we play chasing, I will never stop hunting you. Can't wait to punish you!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the narrow alleys.

I could hear his heavy footsteps behind me, driving me to push myself even harder. I darted through the alleys, seeking any route to escape him, but he was relentless.

The man seemed to possess superhuman agility, leaping over fences and running across the tops of houses. The sight only fueled my fear and exhaustion.

As I turned left, a bike came out of nowhere, and I narrowly avoided a collision. My heart pounded in my chest, and I fought to catch my breath. Despite the desperation and fatigue, I kept running, pushing myself beyond my limits.

At a momentary distance from my pursuer, I slowed down slightly, thinking I had managed to lose him. However, unbeknownst to me, a man was looking down at me from a nearby fence, silently observing the chase.

I glanced behind me, and my eyes met the man's intense gaze. Before I could react, the man jumped from the fence and appeared right in front of me, blocking my path.

I instinctively stepped back, my heart pounding even faster, as he calmly fixed his hair and stared at me with an unwavering expression.

"Enough, stop running," he said in a commanding tone, his hand firmly holding a gun.

I hesitated for a moment, torn between the instinct to flee and the fear of what he might do if I resisted. My body trembled with exhaustion and anxiety as I looked back, contemplating my next move.

He grew impatient, pointing the gun directly at me. "I said stop. If you don't cooperate, I really have no choice but to punish you," he threatened coldly.

My mind raced, trying to find a way out of this dangerous encounter. I knew I couldn't let fear paralyze me; I had to act. Summoning my inner strength, I took a deep breath and locked eyes with him.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice quivering but defiant.The man's expression softened slightly, but the dangerous glint in his eyes remained.

"It's simple. Come with me, and I won't harm you further. Refuse, and I can't guarantee your safety."

I weighed my options, knowing that going with him might mean walking into a trap, but refusing could lead to dire consequences as well. I decided to stall for time, hoping to find an opportunity to escape or for someone to come to my rescue.

"I need some time to think," I said cautiously, trying to sound composed despite my fear. The man regarded me silently, seemingly considering my request.

He seemed amused by my attempts to outwit him but agreed, giving me a moment to collect my thoughts.

He seemed amused by my attempts to outwit him but agreed, giving me a moment to collect my thoughts

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