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It was a few days later when Chan came to visit, his hand joined with another. Hongjoong.

"It's nice to meet you."

He faked a smile. Chan could tell.

"It's nice to meet you too." Hongjoong parroted back, glasses slipping with his enthusiasm. Minho could easily see his charm.

"We wanted to invite you to lunch." Quieter he said, "Might keep your mind off things."

"No, that's alright. I've got someone coming by later to drop off some boxes. You two go ahead." Hongjoong's smile faltered and Chan's copied his new beau.

"You sure? We won't be long." he tried again.

Minho knew Chan was just looking out. He was the only one that knew about Jisung. That he'd given him up to let him live his life again. The way it should be.

Still, he didn't want to go out. He didn't want to be reminded of the things that made him think of Jisung. Like the flowers in the park, the bakery down the street, food in general... it all brought back the memories he so desperately wished to erase. If only so he wouldn't hurt anymore.

"Yeah. I'll take a raincheck."

Chan took the hit, pulling Hongjoong back toward the entrance.

"You're not getting it out of it next time!" he called, opening the door for Hongjoong.

"Yeah, yeah." 

He caught the last little bit of Hongjoong's sentence to Chan.

"-hate me, does he?"

Of course he felt bad. It was never Minho's intention to make Hongjoong feel that way. However, he had bailed on their lunch invitation a few times now. He could see why he would think that.

But the reality was, he couldn't yet face a world without Jisung. 

He knew had to... at some point.

He took a half day after the boxes were dropped off. He ordered in and switched on his television. He put on mindless cartoons before switching it to some historical drama since those always put Jisung to sleep.

He needed some sleep himself.

He woke to a rhythmic thumping, naming it as heavy rain until the sound got louder.

He sat up, apologizing to Dori for disturbing her sleep. He could hear the sound- which he now realized was knocking- was coming from downstairs.

"I'll be right back Dori."

He slipped on his slippers, padding his way downstairs to the shop, not sure who it could be at this hour. The sun wasn't up anymore and if Minho had to guess, he'd say it was well past midnight.

The knocking got louder.

"I'm coming!" he shouted, trying to get the person to cease since it was starting to hurt his head. It was too much noise for having just woken up. 

It didn't help. It was only until Minho threw open the locked door did the person stop, fist hanging up in the air.

"Can I help you?" 

He wasn't sure who'd he expected at the door, but it sure wasn't Tammy.

"Yes, uh. Hello again." Minho could tell she was at least somewhat uncomfortable by her own actions and it made him wonder why she'd even gone through the trouble. "I know it's late-"

"You could say that again."

"Yes, well. I am sorry for waking you, it's just- I didn't know who else to turn to. I thought maybe you could help." Minho raised a brow. "It's about Jisung."

I'll Grow Tall For You - M I N S U N GWhere stories live. Discover now