TIMELINE Part 1 ° Prehistoric - Great Purification

Start from the beginning

c. 600,000 BCE - A Forerunner civil war takes place.
The Zeioph are rendered extinct by a Convergence Event.

c. 298,000 BCE - The ancient Arthenn race flourish in the Zelene system, living on the planet Helyme until being destroyed by the Reapers. They also maintained a presence on other planets in the system including Epho, which bears the scars of orbital bombardment, and The system's outer gas giant, Gaelon.

c. 150,000 BCE - The Forerunners rise as the preeminent species in the Milky Way Galaxy, Believing themselves responsible for the lives of all those less advanced then they, the Forerunners fully initiate the Mantle.

c. 125,000 BCE - Ancient spacefaring races called the Thoi'han and Inusannon fight over the planet Eingana, littering the planet with the debris of hundreds of starships.

c. 122,990 BCE - Maethrillian, the capital of the Forerunner ecumene, is constructed.

c. 110,962 BCE - Faber-of-Will-and-Might a future Master Builder, is born on Secunda.

c. 110,255 BCE - Shadow-of-Sundered-Star, later known as the Ur-Didact, is born Rijaal Suluhu.

c. 108,000 BCE - The Reapers invade Milky Way, the Inusannon and Citadel fleets are quickly overwhelmed.

c. 107,858 BCE - The Forerunners invade relay space and join the war against the Reapers, pushing them out of Inusannon space.

c. 107,798 BCE - A Black Marker is discovered on a distant Forerunner world, after the discovery Red Markers are quickly built across the planet, months later a Convergence Event begins.

c. 107,787 BCE - Several Brethren Moons begin to attack Forerunner worlds, the Forerunners are forced to send multiple fleets to fight off the Necromorph invasion.

c. 107,445 BCE - Ancient human colonists proceed to uncover crashed vessels containing fine organic powder on both inhabited and deserted worlds near the edges of the Milky Way Galaxy. This powder is administered to the domesticated Pheru, which begin to exhibit more docile behavior; unbeknownst to humanity and their San'Shyuum allies, the powder begins to alter the Pheru's genetic makeup. Years later, the Pheru begin to show outward signs of mutation and cannibalize one another. Soon, both humans and San'Shyuum who are exposed to the powder begin to exhibit the same symptoms.

The Flood then begins to take over hundreds of worlds, turning its victims into misshapen forms. Humanity begins all-out war against the Flood. During their war against the Flood, humanity desperately invades a minor sector of Forerunner space, sparking the Human-Forerunner wars.

c. 107,399 BCE - Faced with a three front war, the Forerunners begin to focus most of their strength on fighting the humans and Brethren Moons, leaving the last remaining relay species to fight the Reapers alone.

c. 106,538 BCE - Human colonists arriving at a ravaged planet on the edge of the Milky Way discover an exceedingly ancient stasis capsule. This capsule is the prison of the ancient being known as the Primordial, supposedly the last intact Precursor. Yprin Yprikushma transports the capsule and its prisoner to Charum Hakkor for further study.
Some time afterward, the Flood begins to recede from the galaxy; while this is thought to be due to a cure created by humanity, no cure ever actually existed; the Flood's withdrawal is instead due to the Gravemind's long-term strategy.

c. 106,498 BCE - The final conflict in the Human-Forerunner wars begins. The Forerunner Warrior-Servants, led by the Didact, push humanity back to the Charum Hakkor system, the core of their interstellar empire, which is then effectively cut off from available reinforcements of both humans and their San'Shyuum allies. For the next fifty years, humanity holds off attacks by the Forerunner Fleets, until their defenses eventually fail after three final years of repelling assaults on the system in a constant stream.

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