Now, here they were.

The green and peach ninja respectively, still the closest of friends and partners in (fighting) crime.

Racing after a gang of thieves as they tried to escape with one of Cyrus Borg's countless relics. They landed just in time to find the burglars fresh from the crime scene.

"Nice masks," Lloyd commented. "You could almost pass as ninja."

His eyes flickered to his partner. She nodded in confirmation.

"Ninja-go!" they called as they spun into tornadoes of fist and fury.

With this, they managed to knock down five of seven enemies. The remaining two were smart enough to zipline out of there. Lloyd and Y/n jumped down after them, hitting one thief clear off the line.

Y/n broke his fall with a gust of wind.

The final burglar, the one with the stolen object, put up a good chase. It wasn't long before they reached the open road. Lloyd called for his car while Y/n continued on foot.

She blasted wind from her hands to propel herself through the air, eyes locked onto the motorcycle of her target. She stopped to shoot a gust that sent him off of his bike, but he escaped by boat. A parachute exploded open behind him as he fell, branded with a strangely familiar symbol . . .

"It's time to get the team back," announced Lloyd.

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Once Lloyd walked through the door, the old gang was back together.

Kai turned at the sound of doors sliding. "Hey, there he is. You're late."

"Kai was late too, if it is any consolation," Zane announced.

Lloyd cleared his throat. "Thanks for meeting me here. It's been a while since we've all been under one roof."

Y/n coughed a little when Cole nudged her, an eyebrow raised.

"Are we gonna talk about it?" Jay inquired cheekily.

"Talk about what?" Lloyd puzzled.

Cole spoke up, "Your voice, it's-"

Zane's pitch dropped a solid octave. "Lower."

Indeed, Y/n had noticed. She had some thoughts about it, as presented by her suddenly red face. Nya slapped her back as Kai started to laugh.

"Sounds like our little ninja's growing up!" he chuckled.

"Leave him alone," Nya sighed, stepping forward like the responsible woman she was. "Any word from your mother?"

"Not since she went searching for Master Wu," responded Lloyd, sounding a little dejected. "I don't know where she is."

Y/n put a hand on his shoulder. "She'll come back, Lloyd," she assured.

"And so will Wu," added Cole.

"Not everyone comes back," Lloyd pointed out. "But that isn't why I called you here. I called you because of this." He held out his phone for the group to see, displaying a photo of the parachute they'd seen last night.

"Your father? Lord Garmadon?" Cole realized.

Lloyd pocketed his phone. "After poking around, I've learned it's the symbol to-"

"The Sons of Garmadon," Zane finished. "A mysterious criminal syndicate growing in prominence in Ninjago City."

The green ninja nodded. "Seventy-two hours ago, they stole a powerful relic from Cyrus Borg. Some mask-"

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