34) Better Off Broken

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I did not know what to say as I was in shock. My mouth was hanging wide open, and my hand still resided on my face that still stung from the slap that I had received. I didn't know what I was more surprised at, if it's the fact that my parents were smiling at me while talking, or the fact that they so happily suggested that I go to a conversion camp.

Now that I think about it, it wasn't so surprising that my parents wanted to send me to a conversion camp, so what I was really and truly surprised at was the fact that faces that I was so used to sending hateful looks my way, was now smiling at me. This had to be a dream, or maybe I took some kind of drugs that caused hallucinations without me actuay knowing.

"I'm sorry for slapping you son. I'm just so used to losing control when it comes to you, it almost feels like second nature."

What? Ok, I think that I'm actually going insane.

"So what do you say?" My mom asked with a weird smile. "Are you ready to go? The bus will be here in an hour. We have already packed your suitcases with your necesssaties for you."

Bus coming in an hour? That quickly got me to snap out of the suprised state that I was in.

"What? I'm not going anywhere." I said firmly.

The smile on my mother's face turned into a frown. "Yes you are. There's something wrong with you and you need to be fixed, and this is the only option that we have right now." She said raising her voice slightly.

"There's nothing wrong with me, and I don't need to be fixed because I am not broken." I defended fiercely.

"Yes you are, you are broken and we're going to get you fixed weather you like in or not." My mother shot back.

"If by fixing me, you mean sending me to your twisted camp, then I'm better off broken, because only the two of you will break a person into tiny pieces and call it fixing them when you clearly know that you're doing more damage than good. You two are insane."

"You fucking ungrateful bastard, we're trying to help you and you repay us by name calling? You want to see insane Kai? I'll fucking show you insane." My father said charging towards me.

Before I had time to process what was going on, I was thrown to the floor and punches were landing on my face. I tried to shove my father off of me, but it was no use as I was not strong enough, so instead I stuck my finger into his eye, and that proved to be very effective as it caused him to stop the punches that he was throwing to clutch his eye.

I used that opportunity to push him off of me, and to stand up, but before I could get away, I was hit really hard behind the head causing me to fall down to my knees. When I felt at the back of my head, blood was definitely present.

I turned around to see my father dropping a broomstick to the floor. "If you don't want to go to the fucking camp, then maybe you'd prefer me beat the gay out of you." He said still covering his left eye with one hand.

He kicked me in the back from the kneeling position that I was in, causing me to fall flat on my face. I wheezed in pain.

"It's up to you," He said kicking me in the side from my lying position. "Either you go willingly or I beat you into going."

"Please stop." I begged weakly rolling onto my back.

"You want me to stop?" My father asked before stomping on my stomach. "Why the fuck should I stop?" He kicked me in my face.

And that's what happened for the next thirty minutes or more. I don't know, I kinda lost count. My father continued with his abuse while my mother stood in a corner with her arms folded. Punch after punch, kick after kick, blow after blow. Gradually I could feel no more pain. My entire body felt numb. My face was a bloody mess, the back of my head was a bloody mess...

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