Ch. 16 Duel with the Founder

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POV Shawn Valon
Location: Valon mansion

*Whish* *Whish* *Ting* *Shink* *Thwak*

"Fuck!" I yelled out as I fell on my back I gritted my teeth as waves of pain radiated from my stomach.

???: "You know I think your getting little better you can last 20 seconds rather than 10," a familiar voice said and I turned my head to see Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat.

She sat on the back porch with Helperbot both watching as I go through the daily torture that was called training with X-23.

[Shawn has gotten better...he has ceased to drop his sword when he falls]

"Thank you both for the positivity I feel so invigorated," I said my voice dry my eyes burned and from the sweat that dripped from my head.

A moment later I almost let out a yelp of surprise as I felt something grip my t-shirt and pull me up onto my feet to see X-23 wearing training gear her.

X-23: "Enough," she said her voice soft and quite but dull I nodded and started streaching.

It has been a full week since the attack on my mansion and somthings have change like X-23 started talking much to my surprise though she only says up to three or five words but its progress.

The system has also changed the daily quests have now been updated.

[Daily Missions] (Completed)
•1 hour of training with X-23

•1 hour of training with Black cat

•10 minutes of card drawing

•20 minutes of meditation

•Do 5 minutes of stretching

•Finish all daily quests

That was the new blue screen I awoke to the day right after the ambush and has been my daily living hell for the past few days.

But that wasn't the only thing that got an update I have more unopened gates and a few knew legendary duelists to play against.

As I felt my body stretch with each new position I took I also looked to see X-23 messing with her deck and Duel disk while Falisha observed and I heard the question before it was even spoken.

Felicia: "So when am I going to get my own magic cards master~" she said saying master in a certain way.

"How about you don't call me master ever again and I might think about giving magic to a thief," I said sarcastically while cracking my neck.

Ever since Felicia had seen me and X-23 Duel she's asked for her own deck and get as much information about duel monster as she can.

But since X-23 barely talks her only source of information is helperbot and myself and since the robot is loyal to me the only info she gets is what I want her to have.

Felicia: " how are you planning on stealing these other magical doodads again," she asked smugly and I sighed.

Was I being a little hypocritical sure I'll admitted to that, but was I going to trust infamous thief nope not at all.

"Well of you must know I don't have the moment have a plan once I do I'll let you know," I said stretching my arms.

She grumbled something I couldn't hear when I heard a familiar ping from the system letting me know I had finished all my daily quests.

Collecting all the gems I fell to the ground with a sigh of relief but I couldn't stop thinking about what falisha said how was I going to get the other Millennium items.

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