Ch. 15 A Bloody mess

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POV Shawn Valon
Location: The Sanctum Sanctorum

Dr.Strange: "Ah yes before you go I do have some questions about that thing around your neck and now that small bobble in your hands," he said leaning back in his chair and I sighed and nodded.


'He helped me understand my powers a little more so yes I think I should tell them about them,' I thought back at Red-Eyes 'Beseides I could use the help, and marketing some allies is never a bad thing,' I thought and opened my mouth to speak.

"They're called The Millennium Items powerful magical artifacts each has its special power but they also share some abilities between them as well," I explained showing The Millennium Ring to Magik and Dr. Strange," as Magik stared at The Millennium Ring and Dr. Strange held and examined The Millennium Eye.

Magik: "I can sense the magic coming off The Millennium Item around your neck but..." she trailed off looking at the Millennium Eye in Dr. Strange's hand.

Dr. Strange: "I sense it to Magik there is no magical energy coming from this item," he said but looked at me "But the artifact around your neck glowed when near it?" he said looking at me.

"That's because one of The Millennium Ring's primary power is to guide the owner to whatever he seeks, including other Millennium Items," I explained and Dr. Strange nodded his head.

Magik: "So how many of these things are there and what do they do?" she asked and I shrugged.

"There are seven in total but I don't know what each item's specific abilities are," I said getting a questioning look from the girl.

Dr. Strange: "What does this one do and what's it called," he asked.

"It's called The Millennium Eye and it can see into people's minds and other things but I honestly can't remember them," I said rubbing the back of my head.

Magik: "Isn't that a little weak for a so-called artifact," she said looking at the gold marble but Dr. Strange didn't respond.

Dr. Strange: "How do you activate it?" he asked and I winced causing the two to look at me with raised eyebrows.

"To do that you need to replace it with one of your eye and hope it recognizes you as its owner," I said getting a dumbfounded look from Magik.

Magik: "Who would be dumb enough to replace their eye with a weak magic item," she asked and I shook my head.

"Does summoning a legion of almost invincible monsters sound weak to you?" I asked and Magik looked at me like I had grown a second head

Magik: "Your joking?" she said and I just stared at her and her eyes widened "Oh shit you're serious," she said surprised.

Dr. Strange: "Do all of these Millennium Items have that kind of potential?," he asked and I nodded "Fascinating how is it that I've never heard of them," he asked and I shrugged.

"I have no idea but all I know is that I need to find the rest of them before someone gets hurt or worse," I said and Dr. Strange raised an eyebrow at me.

Dr. Strange: "Actually it sounds more like a job of the Sorcerer Supreme," he said but I shook my head.

"You can't even sense a Millennium Item when it was right under your nose I can find them and keep them out of the wrong hands," I said but then I pointed at the Eye "Unless you want to replace one of your eyes?" I asked and the Sorcerer Supreme who had an amused smile on his face and chuckled dryly.

Dr. Strange: "...Very well," he said tossing me The Millennium Eye "But I would like to talk to you more about these The Millennium items as you call them and your magic," he said and extended his hand.

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