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Athena's POV

It is almost 12am and I was going back home from the grocery store since I was missing a few things for breakfast tomorrow and I felt like walking around a little.

I had both of my AirPods in which I know is kind of risky because I'm walking alone but oh well.

Then when I thought about how stupid it is to walk with both of my AirPods in blasting on full volume I got a bit paranoid so I removed one and looked behind me to check if someone was following because I just felt like I was being followed but there wasn't anyone thank god.

I kept one AirPod in and made my way back home.

I got catcalled a bit but I shrugged it off and didn't think much about it because it happens often unfortunately.

I looked over my shoulder to see three guys walking behind me. They could be just walking behind me but I have to be careful so I started walking in circles around the block until I ended up in the same spot I was in to make sure they are actually following me.

And they are following me.

I can literally hear my heart beating fast. I paused the song and went to text Natalie first thing. I would've texted my friends but they are dead asleep right now.

I called Natalie a few times as I let out a few shaky breathes while tears were starting to form in my eyes from how scared I am.

I'm fucking terrified right now.

And Natalie is deciding not to respond to any text or answer any call which is the first fucking time for her. My amazing luck.

I saw Victoria's contact name and thought about it a little before calling her.

"Hey" I said nervously, not knowing what to say right now to get her to know I'm being fucking followed "what? Is someone dead?" She asked with a very bored tone.

"I'm good. What about you?" I asked her looking over my shoulder slightly to check the three guys who were still following me. They're a little short and look weak but if it was only one, I would've started hitting him but I won't risk this shit.

"Send me your location right now" I let out a relieved breathe when I heard her say that and let a single tear roll down my cheek as I sent her my location.

"Are you okay? Are they more than one person?" I heard her ask as i heard some moving around on her side "yes, I'm doing amazing" I answered as my hands kept shaking uncontrollably.

"I'm gonna be there in two minutes. You're gonna be okay" she reassured and I nodded my head "yeah" I couldn't even fake a conversation from how anxious I am. I feel dizzy and nauseous because of the anxiety I'm feeling right now.

Then she hung up which made my breathe hitch nervously but then I saw her car speeding towards us. She took a hard left and pressed the breaks, stopping her car in the middle of the street that was a bit away from me.

She got out of the car and walked in my direction as she rolled up the sleeves of her white button up shirt which revealed her sleeve tattoo then she started to loosen up the tie around her neck.

I felt my anxiousness start to calm down when I saw her. I felt safe.

Victoria got to me, held my waist softly and walked past me. I turned around and before I even knew it or even the guys knew it, Victoria punched one of them very hardly and when one of the guys tried to pull her off, she elbowed him and probably broke his nose.

The third guy saw Victoria focusing on the others and took his opportunity to punch her across the face "what the fuck?!" I yelled, dropping my grocery bags on the floor and going towards them, pushing him hardly which made him fall.

"fucking bitch!" He cussed at me and tried to get back up but Victoria held him by his shirt and punched him many times making him fall back on the floor, groaning from the pain.

The one that got punched first, stood up and held my arm but I punched him with my free hand which hurt sooooo much and I think I hurt myself more than I hurt him but thankfully, I hit his eye.

"Good job" Victoria praised as she pushed him away from me. They just gave up on trying to hit her again.

Victoria held my hand that didn't hurt and started walking with me towards her car "are you fucking stupid for leaving the house alone at this time of night?!" She asked angrily "you were just being nice-" she cut me off and let go of my hand "because you were in danger. I didn't want to make you feel fucking worse!"

"Get in the car" she demanded going to her side "no fuck you. If you're being a bitch then I'm not getting in the fucking car!" I yelled back.

"Oh yeah because you were literally so safe walking back home alone. Get in the goddamn car!" She yelled. Thank god this neighborhood is empty at this time but there will definitely be noise complaints if this keeps going.

"You're such a bitch" I might cry if we keep yelling because I usually cry when I'm mad but the pain in my hand is adding up on it. I am in so much pain.

"Get in the fucking car, Athena! Don't make me shove you in it!" She yelled and I rolled my eyes, deciding to give up and get in the car because I need to get back home and put an insane amount of ice on my hand.

She got in the car and I looked over at her to see her nose dripping blood onto her shirt "here" I said with an annoyed tone as I handed her some tissues "thanks" she said annoyed, taking it from me.

One of her hands was on the steering wheel as the other held the tissue on her nose while I was giving her directions.

"You can just stop at the entrance" she completely ignored what I said and parked her car. She opened her door "I'm gonna make sure you actually get into the apartment. Come on" I couldn't help but smile a little as I got out of the car. I made sure she didn't see it though, I'm still mad she yelled at me.

She locked her car and walked with me inside of the building then we made our way to the elevator.

We stayed quiet in the elevator until Victoria decided to break the silence "that punch was the worst punch I have ever witnessed" she said making me gasp "you literally said good job after I punched him"

"It was good because it hit his eye. If it hit anywhere else, he would be on the floor laughing his ass off because it'll tickle him" she said laughing a little.

The elevator door opened "you're such a bitch" I said stepping out of the elevator and walked with her towards my apartment "how does your hand feel?" She asked after I took my keys out "the pain isn't that bad after a bit of time. Just throbbing like crazy"

Victoria laughed a little making me smile as I unlocked the door and stood in front of it, looking at her "how does your hand feel? You hit them pretty hard" I said smiling at her as if we weren't fighting just a few seconds ago.

Of course, it was playful but the "get in the car" argument was serious. She was so mad.

"I definitely broke my hand" she said showing it to me. Her hand was covered in blood and it was so purple "oh my god. How are you still using it?" I asked gently holding it.

Her hand also had tattoos which is extremely sexy to me.

"Eh I have really high pain tolerance" she said very unbothered "it's literally broken!" I said panicking making her laugh "it was for a good cause"

I smiled when she said that and kept looking into her eyes. She stepped closer to me and leaned in, kissing my lips softly "you really need to get your hand checked" I said placing my perfectly good hand on her stomach "I'll survive"

Her lips were placed on mine again  and we started making out roughly. She held my waist with her left hand and tilted her head to the side to deepen the kiss.

"Oh my god I left my groceries in the street. Now going out was completely worthless" I said backing away from the kiss.

Victoria laughed and pecked my lips "I'll buy it for you. Just shut up for now"

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now