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A year has passed since that magical night in Regina's garden when Gwen and Regina's connection deepened with a sweet kiss beneath the moonlight. In that year, their relationship has blossomed into something beautiful, something profound—a love that has weathered the challenges of curses, hidden memories, and the complexities of their shared past.

Henry, now six years old, continues to bring joy into their lives. He has grown into a bright, inquisitive boy with a heart full of love for his two mothers. Gwen has become a cherished presence in his life, an anchor of love and care that complements Regina's devotion.

The Enchanted Brew, too, has flourished under Gwen's ownership. The late-night coffee shop has become a beloved gathering place for the people of Storybrooke, a place where laughter and camaraderie fill the air. It's a testament to Gwen's resilience and the warmth she brings to the community.

As Gwen and Regina sit together in the cozy living room of Regina's house, their fingers entwined and their hearts united, they reflect on the year that has passed—a year filled with love, laughter, and shared moments.

Regina's emerald eyes are filled with tenderness as she gazes at Gwen, "I can't believe it's been a year, Gwen."

Gwen smiles, her hazel eyes reflecting the love she feels for the woman beside her, "It's been an incredible year."

Their journey has not been without its challenges. The memories of their shared past remain shrouded in darkness, and the truth of Regina's identity as the Evil Queen and Gwen's role as Goldilocks is a secret they've chosen to keep—for now. But their love has remained steadfast, a beacon of light in a world of curses and uncertainty.

Henry's voice interrupts their reflection, a joyful exclamation as he bursts into the room, a drawing clutched in his hand.

"Moms, look what I made!"

Regina and Gwen turn their attention to their son, their smiles brightening at the sight of his enthusiasm. He rushes over to them, his excitement palpable.

"It's for both of you," Henry says, handing over the drawing.

The drawing is a colorful depiction of their family—a stick-figure representation of Henry, Gwen, and Regina, all holding hands beneath a bright yellow sun. It's a simple yet heartfelt tribute to the love that binds them together.

Regina's eyes glisten with emotion as she looks at the drawing, her voice soft and filled with love.

"Henry, it's beautiful."

Gwen adds her own words of appreciation, her heart swelling with love for the boy who has become such an important part of her life.

"Thank you, Henry. We love it."

Henry's smile is radiant as he hugs both of his mothers, and in that moment, their family is a picture of love and happiness, a family that has been forged through trials and tribulations, a family that knows the true meaning of love.

As the day unfolds, they spend it together as a family—playing games, going for walks, and sharing laughter. It's a day filled with love and togetherness, a day that reminds them of the beautiful life they've built together. And as the night falls and the stars twinkle in the sky, Gwen and Regina sit together on the porch, their fingers entwined and their hearts united. They know that challenges may lie ahead, that their past may still remain a mystery, but they are certain of one thing—the love they share is stronger than any curse, brighter than any darkness.

And as the clock ticks away the hours, they look to the future with hope and anticipation, knowing that whatever comes their way, they will face it together—with hearts aglow with love.

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