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In the weeks that follow, Gwen Larson's life takes on a new rhythm. Her days at The Enchanted Brew are punctuated by moments of anticipation, for she knows that as the clock approaches midnight, she'll leave the cafe and step into the world of Henry Mills, a world filled with laughter, curiosity, and the undeniable warmth of motherly love.

Henry is no longer the slumbering infant Gwen once cradled during Regina's visits. He has grown into a bright, inquisitive toddler with wide eyes that sparkle with wonder. His laughter fills Gwen's heart with a joy she had long forgotten, and his presence has become a beacon of light in her otherwise lonely existence.

Their time together is a blend of discovery and delight. Gwen watches with fascination as Henry explores the world around him, his tiny hands reaching for everything in his path. She's there to catch him when he stumbles, to guide him as he takes his first wobbly steps, and to celebrate each new word he utters.

"Ma-ma!" Henry exclaims one afternoon, his eyes fixed on Gwen as he reaches out for her.

Gwen's heart skips a beat at the word, a word that holds both joy and sadness. She knows that Henry's true mother is Regina, but in this moment, she feels a connection with the child that goes beyond mere babysitting.

Regina, true to her promise, gives Gwen the space she needs to care for Henry without interference. She's often busy with mayoral duties or other matters, but when she does visit The Enchanted Brew at midnight, she's greeted by a sight that warms her heart: Gwen and Henry sharing a moment of laughter, a bond growing stronger with each passing day.

As Gwen watches over Henry, she learns the nuances of his personality. He has a mischievous streak, a love for storytelling, and a penchant for adventure. Gwen introduces him to the world of books, reading him bedtime stories that transport him to far-off lands and magical realms.

One evening, as Gwen reads a story about a brave knight and a fearsome dragon, Henry's eyes widen with excitement. He points to the book and exclaims, "Dwaggon!"

Gwen smiles, her heart swelling with affection, "Yes, Henry, a dragon. Do you like the story?"

Henry nods vigorously, his enthusiasm infectious. And in that moment, Gwen realizes that she's not merely babysitting. She's become a part of Henry's world, a trusted friend who shares in his joys and discoveries.

As the weeks turn into months, Gwen's connection with Henry deepens, and with it, her bond with Regina. The mayor visits The Enchanted Brew more frequently, not just at midnight, but during the day as well. The cafe has become a place where Regina can relax and enjoy a moment of respite with her son.

One sunny afternoon, as Gwen and Henry play with building blocks on the cafe's floor, Regina sits at a nearby table, sipping her coffee and watching them with a soft smile. The sight of her son and the woman who cares for him warms her heart in a way she never expected.

"I can't thank you enough," Regina says, her voice filled with sincerity, "You've brought so much joy into Henry's life."

Gwen looks up from the colorful tower of blocks they've built together, her hazel eyes meeting Regina's emerald ones.

"He's brought joy into mine as well. I'm grateful for this opportunity."

The bond between Gwen, Henry, and Regina deepens with each passing day, a testament to the power of connection and the unexpected friendships that can bloom even in the midst of a curse. The cafe that was once Gwen's refuge has transformed into a place of shared laughter, shared stories, and shared love.

And as the clock strikes midnight one fateful night, Gwen watches over a sleeping Henry, her heart filled with a profound sense of contentment. She may be cursed, and her memories of the Enchanted Forest may remain shrouded in darkness, but in the presence of this small, precious family, she has found a sense of purpose and a love that transcends the boundaries of time and magic.

Midnight | Regina MillsWhere stories live. Discover now