I look at him nervously but then decided to just go for it, "Hey, I'm Kristina... I know you..." I say hesitantly.

"Nice name, I know you too, I saw you out there at our concert. "He laughs, "Clearly you were having a great time."

I sighed, this guy is actually way nicer than I thought he would be, "Yeah... My friend introduced me to you guys, I love your guy's music!"

"Thanks for the support Kristina, Is your friend with you, maybe you can introduce her to us?" He replies peeping behind me.

"Oh yeah, shes just in the room, she thought you guys were busy in a conversation." I say before yelling Daria's name to come outside.

Daria came out our room and immediately froze at the unbelievable sight.

"Hey I'm Tom, you are?" He says generously.

Daria stood there dumbfounded by the fact she was getting talked to by a idol. She took a second before finally introducing herself, "Hi... I'm Daria, it's so nice to meet you Tom!" She replies, clearly trying her hardest to contain her unbearable excitement.

"Since we are roomies, maybe I should introduce you to the guys?" He suggests.

"Uh yeah, sure that will be amazing!" Daria giggled before looking at me with pure happiness in her glittering eyes.

We walked over with Tom, who shortly began to introduce us. He opens the door to where Bill was sitting on a bed, Georg was on a chair and Gustav was brushing his hair by a mirror.

"Hey guys, this is Daria and Kristina, they are in the room right next to us" Tom says casually.

Bill is the first one to take notice of us standing near the doorway before having a change in attitude.

"Tom are you crazy? No one can know we are in this hotel otherwise there will be floods of paparazzi!" Bill responds, clearly slightly stressed about this situation happening, "You know I don't like it when we don't get a second of peace without the media stalking our every move."

"Yeah I know, but we are staying here for 2 months and it's best we get to know those around us." He contemplates, turning to us before whispering something into our ears, "Can you guys please keep it a secret that we are here? Bill is stressed because of the last time paparazzi came to his mothers home and almost broke in. Can you please not post anything on the media, suggesting we are in this hotel?"

We both nod.

"Don't worry, we aren't that crazy" I advised.

"Ok if you say so..." Tom replies whilst turning back to the guys, "They said they wouldn't say a word, so lighten up a bit Bill."

"Alright, alright... Sorry Daria and Kristina. That was a bit rude of me" Bill said before turning to Georg and Gustav, "This is Georg, and that's Gustav, anything you wanna say?"

Georg replies, "Hey Daria and Kristina, nice to meet you guys."

Gustav sits there in silence before immediately excusing himself to the bathroom. He clearly looked a bit distressed and I wanted to know why, so I turned to Tom. "Hey, do you know why Gustav seems so stressed?"

Tom sighs, "Gustav's just a bit shy, He will come around once he's comfortable around you; he's such a great guy once you get to know him" He assures me.

"Well it's getting a bit late Tom... And I'm tired, perhaps it's time to go?" Bill yawns, before laying down onto the bed and covering himself with a duvet.

"Bill, you know you're not gonna go to sleep until like 5am..." Tom tuts, before turning back to me and Daria, "Maybe we can talk more tomorrow, you guys seem like nice people."

We both nod and wave.

"Bye, it was nice talking to you guys!" I say politely.

"Bye!!" Daria beamed, smiling at Bill. Classic Daria.

We walk towards our room and close our door before both squealing in excitement.

"OMG... WE JUST TALKED TO THE ENTIRE TOKIOHOTEL!!" Daria declared throwing herself onto our bed and screaming into a pillow.

"I can't lie, they all seem so nice, especially Tom..." I answered feeling proud of myself to actually keeping up a conversation.

"Oh?~ Does someone have a crush" She teases me.

I go red, did she finally notice?

"You like Tom don't you!" She squeals.

Well, she didn't get the hint but I guess she was partially right. I just wished she knew I loved her, but I also liked Tom, "Aha... Sort of."

We laugh and go off to prepare ourselves to bed. I take off all my makeup, god it felt good. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Shortly after that I threw on my usual night outfit and got tucked in. This day felt like a fever dream.

Suffering, Silenced ~[A Tokio Hotel Story]~Where stories live. Discover now