"Then maybe...." Layla struggled to get a beam of energy but then soon blasted the glowing skull. 

The cage of light that surrounded the pixies flickered out and the pixies flopped to the ground. 

Layla caught her breath. "Layla are you okay?" Amore asked. 

Piff kept babbling and crawled to Layla. 

"I'll be fine...The Phoenix drained some of my power, that's all." Layla said. 

"We should get out of here fast!" Digit recommended. 

"But our wings are covered with that disgusting tarring, we can't fly!" 

Layla hugged the pixies with her arms. "Everybody ready?" Salem held on to one of her arms. 

"Yeah!" They all chorused. 

Layla began to run. She informed that she wouldn't be able to climb like that and none of them are in condition to fly. Their goal was to find the stairs. 

Piff babbled before climbing up Layla's arm as she ran and Piff nuzzled herself into Layla's hood. 

Salem lifted her head up and looked around. "Layla, be careful...something's changed..." 

As the pixie of faith, Salem believed in lots of superstition and paranormal energies. Salem had to believe them, she's the pixie of faith. And she was being faithful to her gut and to Layla when telling her that something was very wrong. 

The pixies looked at each other concerned. Sometimes Salem predicted baloney, with the superstitions and all but here....it was a lot worse. They knew they should trust Salem, she had their best interests at heart. 

The ugly creatures popped out of nowhere, just as they were close to the exit. One of them hit Layla with a flow of nasty water. 

Layla kept the pixies close as she bounced. She dodged the attacks. 

Layla kept running and eventually they burst through the doors and they finally saw the bridge that would lead them to safety. 

"We're safe!" Layla exclaimed. 

But a blood red phoenix turned the corner. 

The Phoenix landed and Layla started to run once more. 

The phoenixes wrapped its wings around its body and began shifted into a man. No, not a man. A monster. 

He was blood red, long feathers draping from his arms. He looked like if a suit of armour was designed to frighten the opponent. 

"You stupid girl. You barely have the energy to stand. Hang over the pixies!" He demanded. 

"Never! I won't let you have them!"

His voice seemed to darken. "I find your meaningless bravery tiresome. But no matter. Time to pay for your mistakes girl." 

Layla was blasted by red. The pixies got knocked out of her hands. 

They were taken into a small bubble and the phoenix-man brought them closer to him. The pixies cowered and whimpered. 

The man brought out some giant claws and was about to stab Layla when she made a plasma shield, just big enough to protect her. 

"But how is that possible?" He demanded. "You should be too weak."

Layla grunted as she got up. "Its not so easy to beat a fairy."

"Isn't it?" He blasted her. 

Layla groaned as she dove away from the blast.  

The phoenix man grinned and these disgusting black oozes reached up and grabbed Layla. They threw her off the cliff. "Goodbye Fairy. Nobody can survive a fall from this height." He cackled. 

Breeze. Winx Club Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें