Chapter 20

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Chloe's POV:

"Uh, who's Mr. Namjoon?" I asked looking at the people in the room. They all seemed to really care about this Mr. Namjoon guy. I wasn't exactly from their world, so I didn't know from their world, so I didn't know all the businesspeople they dealt with and such.

"How does she not know these things?" Chae-Yeong said, letting out a stressed sigh, her shoulders dropping down as she did so.

"Maybe because her interests are different from yours," Chae-won replied frowning as she looked at her twin sister, who then rolled her eyes at her.

"Mr. Namjoon is exactly what the company needs. We can hopefully strike a deal with him and do other better things," Eun-won then told me, leading the way to the couch for all of us to sit down. I could tell this would be an interesting conversation.

"And how does this involve me?" I asked, taking a seat on the cream-colored couch. It was much more comfortable than it looked.

"Oh, dear how do we explain this without upsetting you...." Chae-won mumbled, looking over at me. She bit down on her lip as she got lost in her trail of thoughts. These people were acting like I was in a hospital and waiting to see whether a loved one would survive.

"Mr. Namjoon is a family guy, I'm talking about a happy family man. He's extremely rich, and his collaborations are all successful. However, he's very picky about who he works with," Jimin blurted, luckily killing the awkward silence.

"The last time there was a solid collaboration happening, it was with Carter however, things fell through the moment two ladies came forth who were pregnant with Carter's children. He had abandoned one and was still with the other," Eun-woo explained, and I slowly nodded in response. I was still a little confused as to why this would involve me.

"And this involves me how, exactly?" I asked, raising a brow at Jimin wanting an answer from him.

"He doesn't do business with 'broken' families," Chae-Yeong relied on, making me look in her direction.

"And with the news released, he'll probably think I abandoned you or something like that," Jimin said. I nodded, already understanding where this would be heading. Mr. Namjoon would probably wonder why Kai hadn't been heard of before.

"Why does he care so much?" I  asked curiously.

"His father was a cheater and, at some point, left him, his mother, and siblings with nothing. He built everything up from the very bottom," Eun-chae explained. I could tell everything she felt towards me was eating her from the inside. She was still speaking with such spite.

"Chloe, I know you won't like this, but could you lie for me?" Jimin asked quietly, giving me a sincere look.

"Excuse me? Why?" I frowned. There was no way I'd do this for them.

"This deal would allow us to give our employees a raise, open several new stores, and accomplish several more good things for the company," Chae-won explained, surprisingly okay with this.

"So, I have to lie because you Billionaires aren't happy with the money you have?" I shook my head, finding it unbelievable.

"Chloe, this isn't just about me." Jimin sighed and got up.

"One little lie is all we're asking for. We'll give you whatever you want," Eun-chae said, trying to look less annoyed with me as she spoke.

"What do you want me to lie about?"

"The situation between us. If he sees things are actually good, he won't pull out the deal," Jimin said, resting his hands on his hips. I hesitated. The answer would obviously be no. however, before I could tell him that, he spoke.

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