Chapter 8

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Jimin's POV:

"So, is it Chloe or Amy?" I finally spoke up, looking over at the woman and watching how she adjusted herself in the seat.

"Chloe is my legal name," she answered, eyes focused on the road as if she were the one driving.

"Why didn't you tell me before who you were?" I looked over at the GPS to see the location she had in for me to drive to.

"Sir-" she sighed, but I cut her off.

"Jimin. I think you earned yourself the privilege of calling me that." I looked over at her, and her brown eyes focused on mine as she gave me a nod.

"Okay, Jimin. I thought Tessa would be my boss. When I saw it was you, I thought you'd recognize me, so when you didn't I figured I'd shut up and enjoy my job," she answered, not exhibiting a single drop of sweat or stutter or even change in tone. She seemed to be telling the truth.

"So, this isn't you inserting yourself into my life?" I asked to be sure.

"All due respect, but I think you're full of yourself," Chloe answered, making me chuckle. I chose to ignore her words.

"Our past won't be an issue, will it?" I asked now that some things had been uncovered.

"Has it been an issue till now?"

"No. Let's keep it like that, okay?" I slowed down and looked over at her, earning a nod from her.

"Wasn't planning on changing the situation."

We arrived at her sister's place, and I waited patiently in the car as she went to get her son. She returned with her son less than five minutes. She sat down with the boy lying on her chest. He had dozed off, but I could tell by his tired face and the tearstains on his cheeks that he had been crying a lot.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" I asked, leaning over to turn the AC up a little.

"Maybe some sort of flu? It's difficult to figure these things out by yourself," She answered, all her attention was on her son as she gently rubbed his head.

"You should probably take him to the doctor," I suggested, finally driving again, going a bit slower and more carefully than before now that there was a child in the car without a car seat.

"If things don't get better by tomorrow, I will take him to go see a doctor," Chloe replied, adjusting the blanket over Kai's body.

I hummed and nodded. I stayed quiet so Kai could get his rest and not be interrupted by our talking. Finally we arrived at her place, which wasn't too far away from her sister's. It was already dark, and I could see a few people mostly men, hanging outside, so I decided to be kind enough to help her up and carry her son's bag.

The moment we stepped foot into her apartment, the little boy woke up and started crying loudly. Now with the lights on, his face was in clear sight, and I saw him clearly for the first time. Chloe sat him on the counter and took off his shirt as he kept on tugging on it.

I set down the bag on the couch and looked over at her son. Then, I saw that mark on his shoulder.....I inherited it from my father. we both had it on the same spot, now, the same mark was on Kai, though his was smaller I also knew the night I met Amy was the first time I didn't use protection.

"Who's the father, Chloe?"

Oooooh thanks guys for reading this book looks like Jimin gonna found out who's the father of the little baby boy kai find out in the next chapter

Chapter 9 coming up :)- Author

Direct question huh? Anyways, will she lie? Or tell him that he is the father?- Editor

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