Chapter 7

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Chloe's POV:

I ended up helping with setting the table, mostly to escape Eun-woo. He wasn't being creepy or making me uncomfortable, but I just hated being in that position, given my past with his brother. I was trying to ensure things wouldn't blow up my face.

I finished setting down the key lime pie and then took a seat for myself as I saw Tessa and Jimin coming out of the room they went into before. I watched as the two came over and took a seat at the table Jimin sat next to me.

"So, Chloe, why did you choose this job?" Eun-chae asked. Dear God, was this some sort of interrogation?

"Yeah, it's so......basic," Chae-Yeong commented, which made me bite my lip to keep me from being rude.

"I love cooking, and I'm good at it. Besides, it's probably the only path I could've taken where I wouldn't be in debt," I explained, twirling the pasta around with a fork.

"Oh, but there are scholarships," Chae-Yeong commented again, and I saw her twin sister nudging her.

"I had a full ride to law school, but after a school incident, I lost it." I shrugged, staring at my food.

"Incident?" Eun-woo asked, getting everyone's attention.

I snapped back into reality and looked over at them. "That's not important right now. what's important is that Mr. Park's food is always taken care of," I answered, changing the subject.

"How are things going for you, Tess?" Eun-chae asked, making Tessa cough as she was caught off guard.

"Normal, Eun. Just hoping that I can build my apartments this year," she answered, smiling.

"That's great, my love." Eun-chae smiled at her and then glared at me, making me frown at first. Oh, well someone didn't like what I said before.

"I can imagine being Jimin's assistant is a drag, though," Eun-woo commented, reaching over for his wine.

"With good pay any miserable boss is tolerable," Tessa joked, nudging Jimin's side.

"Hey! I have feelings, you know." Jimin pouted while the others laughed. I felt my purse vibrating and checked my phone to see it was Camila. I stepped away from the table to pick up the phone. She wouldn't call me unnecessarily, so this had to be important.

"Everything okay there?" I asked, walking farther away from the others, not wanting them to hear my conversation.

"Not really. the little guy isn't feeling too well," she replied. I could hear Kai rambling about something in the background.

"Should I come over?" I asked, knowing he always preferred me when he got sick.

"No, no, not yet." I just wanted to let you know," she answered, the sound of Kai becoming less loud as she probably moved away from him.

"Please call me if you need me to come get him," I told her. I knew she'd think this dinner was more important, but trust me I'd do anything for Kai.

"I will. I just wanted to give you a little heads-up for now. I'll try putting him down for a nap," she replied.

"Okay, take care," I replied. I walked back to the table. Everyone's eyes were on me again as I sat down.

"Everything okay?" Tessa asked, setting down the wine glass. Her question, of course, made everyone stare at me again.

"Yeah, Kai is just feeling a bit unwell," I answered, forgetting they didn't know who that was.

"Is Kai your boyfriend?" Chae-Yeong asked.

I chuckled and quickly answered, "No, my son."

"I see his father didn't put a ring on it, then." Eun-woo smiled as he looked over at me, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm a single mother, uh sir, if things get worsen, can we leave early? Or can I take a cab and leave?" I answered, waiting to change the subject, and looked over at Jimin about my request.

"Of course," he said after swallowing the bit he was chewing on.

Not long after, my phone rang again, and I excused myself to pick it up. Once again, it was Camila. I was hoping it would be good news, but it turned out things had worsened, and the boy was crying for me.

"Sir, my son's situation has worsened I need to go," I informed Jimin, already collecting my stuff.

"It's my fault you're here, so I'll give you a ride." He got up too, leaning over to kiss his mother on her cheek.

"I can take a taxi," I assured him, hating that I interrupted their family dinner.

"Do you know how long it takes for a taxi to get here?" he insisted, following me to the front door and taking his jacket off the hanger. "30 minutes." He answered his question since I was clueless.

"Fine. A ride would be appreciated," I replied, giving up on finding my way back by myself.

"Good. We still have to continue our conversation from before," He mumbled, walking out the door after one of the staff members opened it up for us. He led the way to his car and waited until we both had our seatbelts on before driving. It was silent for the first five minutes. All that could be heard was the music playing at a low volume, mostly muffled by the wind blowing through the trees. You could say the mansion was in a deserted area. The only thing surrounding it was nature.

Heyyyy guys I know this one is also short again I have some more coming up saving it for the next chapter so yea

Chapter 8 coming up :) -Author

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