The beginning ♡

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Y/n pov : (i just can't believe that i have finally made dream of becoming an idol has finaly came true... It's just like a dream plus my all group members are so kind and caring... I'm so lucky)

Y/n : Ahhh!  I should pack my stuff quickly... What a mess!

(something soft hits on your head)

??? : congrats dumbhead!!

Y/n : hey Ricky!!  You scared me... Are u insane?!

Ricky : hey at least you should not scold me at this precious day... Let me have some fun... (he said making a pouty face)

Y/n : ahhh fine!!  I am gonna spare you today but only for today huhh?!...don't ever do this silly thing again or you'll die!

Ricky : ahh fine fine dumbhead!

(you both giggled at each other)

Author pov: (you and Ricky are friends since middle school and are too close to each other plus you two have an unbreakable bond ♡)

Ricky : hey let me help you... You are doing it all alone..

(ricky helped you to pack your stuff
but suddenly someone enters into your room in a rush)

??? : hey Ricky!!  Have you seen my airpods?

Ricky : umm... No idea

??? : (sighs) fine I'll find them by myself

Y/n : hey gyuvin!... can borrow mine if... If you want to....
(you said hesitantly)

Gyuvin : I don't like to use other's stuff  (cold tone)
(he left the room)

Author's pov : Gyuvin is a cold and a mysterious looking guy who always talks in a cold way... Y/n and gyuvin never got along with each other... Its not like that gyuvin hates y/n but yes.. He also dont like her as well

Y/n : he is always like this...!!!  What a rude ass!! (you said frowning )

Ricky : ignore him he is just like that (smiles)

Y/n : (noded) okay....

(you two done packing stuff and went into your bunk beds to sleep)

Ricky : Good night you little dumbhead!!

Y/n : you better shut up and sleep.. Good night!  ♡

                        *time skips

☆    Next Morning  

You woke up at 7 am realizing that you were late cuz everyone wakes up at 6am in the dorm you get yourself dressed and went down for breakfast.. You went down and greeted everyone

Y/n :  Good morning !
(than you start to find a seat but unfortunately there was only one seat left there amd that was next to gyuvin)

Zhanghao : y/n!! Sit down and eat well okay?  (soft smile)

Y/n : ahh okay (smile)
(you sat beside gyuvin and did your breakfast as he passed you a cold stare)

Gyuvin : you should sleep less and  find a suitable spot to sit so you can stop bothering me (cold tone)

Y/n : you are not someone to teach me... I can do whatever i want okay...!!?

Gyuvin : stop messing around and let me eat ...!

Y/n : huhh who cares.. (eye roll)

Hanbin : okay everybody pay attention ... As we are now a group so we are moving to our official zerobaseone dorm and all the former boysplantet members are returning their home so you all should say a last goodbye to them and reach your respective cars with your luggage as soon as possible

Everyone : okayy!!

You said goodbye to all former members and hurried out to reach the car along with your luggage but on the way you got crashed into someone

Y/n : heyyy!!  Can't you walk properly?!

(you said thinking tbat it must be Ricky.. But it was Gyuvin)

Gyuvin : before giving a lecture to me... You should watch your steps... The way you were hurrying seems like you were being chased (cold stare )

He walked away ignoring you

Y/n : hey.! Aahh this crazy guyyy!

You went to the car and someone called you
??? : hey y/n!!

You turned back and Matthew was waving at you

Y/n : ahh Matthew oppa!

Matthew : are you excited to move?

Y/n : yeah alot!!

Matthew : me too (smile)

Y/n: are we going to sit together?

Matthew :yeah... Me,  jiwoong hyung, Ricky, Gyuvin and you are in the same car

Y/n : ahhh okayyy...

(you felt a bit bitter when you heard that Gyuvin will be also with you)

Matthew : is there something wrong ?

y/n: no no .... i'm alright (fake smile)

???: hey y/n!!!!
(you looked back and it was jiwoong)

Y/n: Jiwoong oppa!!

Jiwoong : Have you eaten well? have you packed your all things?? and have u make sure that nothing is missing in your lugguage??

Y/n : ahhh jiwoong oppa!!! i'm grown up now i'm not a child anymore ..u should worry less okay !

y/n pov: (Jiwoong oppa is the oldest member in group and he is the one who cares for me alot along with Hanbin and Zhanghao oppa ....these three always treat me like a small kid and never let go a chance to make me happy)

Jiwoong: ahhh !!okay okay but you better pull your jacket up you might catch a cold okay?

Y/n : ahh fine fine!

(we all laughed and got into the car )
(Ricky and Gyuvin were already sitting there )

Ricky: hey y/n!!! you better sit with me i don't want my hyungs to get fed up with your fulltime nonsense (mischeivious smile)

Y/n: huhh you and your stupid jokes! better watch your mouth (rolled eyes)

Jiwoong : hey y/n ! ignore his jokes and sit here ...i don't want you to catch a fever by sitting next to the open window.

Y/n : fine (smiles)

(you sat next to Jiwoong but Gyuvin was sitting in front of your seat facing you. he passed you a cold stare and began to use his phone)

y/n pov : (we were enjoying music while eating snacks and Gyuvin was also having fun with us , honestly it was the first time i saw him smiling..maybe Ricky was right that Gyuvin is not into girls that's why he acts rude to me )

you were thinking all this while looking at Gyuvin but suddenly the car shaked heavily cuz of speed breaker and you crashed into Gyuvin were holding him by his shoulders and you were almost sitting over him , the distance between Gyuvin and you was just few inches away, you both made an intense eye contact for few seconds but someone interrupted

Ricky : Ahmmmm!!! i guess it was because of speedbreaker ...

Jiwoong : y/n!! Are you okay?...(worried tone)

(You and Gyuvin came back into reality and came back to your normal sitting position)

Y/n : yeah.. I'm fine... Jiwoong oppa ...can you pass me the water bottle?
Jiwoong : ohh here you go!

y/n pov : (i must be crazy tf i can crash into him??! and why the heck is my heart beating so fast???!)

(finnaly you all reached to your destination and went in to the dorm )

Only Him  ; Kim GyuvinWhere stories live. Discover now