Burning into pieces

ابدأ من البداية

Elena started to look in all cabinets

"Elena...Elena, you need help finding something?" Care asked

"Got it" Elena poured lighter fluid on the floor and everywhere

"Elena what are you doing?" I asked worried

"we need a cover story right, you think I didn't hear you guys talking earlier? What are we going to say? Animal attack? Tumble down the stairs? No we burn the house down with him inside of it"

"Elena stop it!" Stefan said serious

"why? Because you not want me to be in denial? You want me to face the truth? This is the truth Stefan. I don't want to live here anymore. I don't want these sketches" she said as she took lighter fluid on them and then on the Xbox as she said "I don't want this Xbox"

she took up a bottle of bourbon "I'm not going to need this bourbon anymore. Alarics not here to drink it. Unless you are willing to bring back every supernatural creature on the other side to get him back".

"Would you?" She asked looking at Damon and she continued "I know you want your drinking buddy back, would you Damon?, because I wouldn't, I don't know, i mean does that make me a bad person? I—I have no idea"

she took off Jeremy's ring and threw it to Damon

"Elena stop it you're scaring me!" Caroline said

"what else are we supposed to do with the body Caroline?! I mean there's nothing there's no room in the Gilbert family plot Jenna...and...John took the last spots"

Elena light a match and Stefan made his way near her"Elena stop"

"there's nothing here for me anymore...Stefan, every inch of this house is filled with memories of the people that I love that have died. My mom. My dad, Jeremy, Jenna and Alaric, John. Even John, I mean they're all dead. Everyone is dead, so— what am I— I how am I..? I can't even... there's nothing left for me.

Elena burned herself on the match and she dropped it but Damon catch it and told her to calm down

"No. No. No I can't. I can't...." She fell to the ground and panic attacked.

"Damon. Help her" Stefan said, Damon sat down with her and took his arms around her

"I can help you. I want you to let me help you. Come on" Damon took her hair behind her ears

"I can help you,.....turn it off"

"what? no" Stefan said

"just turn it off and everything will go away, it's all you have to do and that's what I want you to......just turn it off"

we all looked worried and Elena was sitting on the ground quietly looking at Damon with teary eyes.

Later, Elena was inside and me, Stefan and Damon were outside

"it was a mistake" Stefan said

"it wasn't and you know it" Damon said angrily

"but you shouldn't had, you could've said that everything is fine" I said

"this is the only way she would have survived, we just need to help her and keep an eye on her and when she's ready I'll use the sire bond to bring her back"

"her humanity Damon that was all she had left" Stefan said

"humanity means nothing when you don't have anyone to care about Stefan"

"she had you" Stefan said sad

"she lost her brother, I'm not enough not this time"

"I'm gonna go...so see everyone soon" I said

I walked until I came to a bar and I compelled a girl to stay still and then I drank her blood and then I compelled her to go home and forget about everything that happened.

I sat at the bar a long time when I heard someone say "Tara"

I looked back and saw Katherine so I got up from my chair and hugged her

"where have you been"

"I was actually at the island"

"why? Thought you didn't care about the cure like everyone else does"

"no I woke up Silas"

"why would you do that" I said angrily

"what? I just woke him up"

"you killed Jeremy"

"okay I don't get why would you care"

"Elena's my friend and she had a panic attack about her brother being dead and Damon made her turn it off. But I guess you're happy"

Katherine looked like she had bad conscience and said "listen Jeremy was in my way so I just gave Silas his blood"

I looked at Katherine and said "it was nice to see you but I'm gonna go back to them"

Katherine nodded and I walked to Elena's house when I saw it was on fire and I got worried and called Stefan because no one was there

"hello are you all safe"

"yes we are"


We hung up and I walking outside a store when I saw someone looking at me and then ran to me as he held my neck In a grip.

Someone came and grabbed him as I was sitting on the ground.

The person said "have a care mate, that's no way to treat a lady"

he bit his neck and threw him away

"Klaus" I said

"hello love" Klaus helped me up from the ground
"what are you doing here?"

"I was around and saw you so I helped" I smiled and he did too

"so how about you, why were you here?"

"I've had a really....bad day"

"what's wrong love?"

"Katherine is...wrong, she killed the only family Elena had left so she was really sad and burned her whole house down"

I looked really sad and Klaus got closer and he hugged me.

"Thanks I really needed that"

Klaus smiled and said "why don't I walk you home"

I looked confused him and said "you know I don't have a home right"

"no I know but I take you to the Salvatore house"

"thanks" we walked together all the way to the door and then Klaus said "hope I see you soon"

"I'll hope so too" I walked in and saw Damon, Caroline


they didn't say anything back they just looked at me

"what's wrong?" I asked looking behind me

"what are you doing with Klaus?" Caroline asked


"but why was he here?" Damon asked

"okay I got attacked when I was outside and he helped me and then followed me to here"

"I could never see him as a gentleman" Damon said as he looked disgusted.

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