Chapter 14 - Fin

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Chapter 14 - Fin

Y/n's POV

The next day Midoriya, Iida, and Shoto were all sitting up in their hospital beds watching the door rather impatiently for you to come back. Your fathers were very upset, to say the least, but mostly just glad no one had been killed. Iida's legs were going to need a lot of healing and Midoriya's hands were in a very fragile state but other than that no one would have any permanent damage although all four of you would probably have some scars for the rest of your lives.

The head of the police even stopped by early that morning and thanked you; however, no one was allowed to talk about what had happened. Endeavor took all of the credit, which bugged you a bit since Miriko was also there. Miriko couldn't have cared less, however. And although she had been officially banned by your fathers from 'watching' you that didn't stop her from inviting you to spend a week during your summer break at her sister's gym for some more 'advanced' training.

"Y/n!" Midoriya exclaimed as you walked back into the hospital room. "How'd it go?"

"All good," You said with a tired smile. Your arm had been sliced pretty deep and the doctors were nervous you'd lose some motor function, but it appeared Stain had missed anything vital. Rather on purpose or not, no one knew. Stain was currently in some high-security prison but had yet to wake up from the fight yet, or at least that's what the chief of police had said earlier.

"Your phone has been going off ever since you left," Iida quietly said. He hasn't been himself lately that was for sure. The guilt of letting his anger get to him was weighing heavily on his mind, but he was also relieved the ordeal was finally over. You jumped onto your bed and reached across it for your phone with your arm that wasn't all bandaged up to find half a dozen missed calls and too many texts from Bakugo to count. The last one saying, "Nevermind, Deku still has his location on. I'll be there soon,"

"Uhh guys, Midoriya still has his location on and now Bakugo is on his way here," You said with a panicked look towards them. Izuku immediately pulled out his phone, his face going white when he realized he was in fact still sharing his location with Katsuki. "Just remember we can't say anything,"

"Can't say anything about what?" Katsuki asked as he walked into the hospital room, clearly very upset. "About how you four idiots fought Stain, and almost died?"

"H-how did you figure it out?!" Midoriya yelped.

"I didn't..." Bakugo said as he cracked his knuckles. "You just confirmed my suspicion,"

"S-sorry, guys..." Midoriya stuttered as he hung his head in shame.

"It's okay, Midoriya," You said as you got up from your bed and walked over to Bakugo before he could kill Midoriya. "He was bound to figure it out sooner or later. We'll be lucky if the rest of the class does not figure it out themselves,"

"Tsk, damn idiots," Bakugo grunted before storming out of the room. You merely shrugged your head at his childishness before following him down the hall and into the stairwell.

"Katsuki?" You asked as the door to the stairwell shut. You had expected him to yell maybe even blow something up but instead, he just hugged you. Not hard enough to hurt your arm, but enough so you knew how worried he was.

"Damn idiot..." He muttered as he kissed the top of your head before releasing you from his arms.

"I'm sorry," You started, "I-"

"You weren't even going to tell me." Bakugo interrupted, "If I hadn't walked in when I did..."

"I know, and I'm sorry. The chief of the police said we weren't allowed to say anything!" You tried to explain.

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