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Hi there! Thank you so much for reading this story! Real quick...

The mc is called Y/n Aizawa-Yamada. Hero name; The Banshee Hero; Echo.

You're the daughter of Eraserhead; Shota Aizawa (Dad) and Present Mic; Hizashi Yamada (Pa). (Now I know canonically they are only 30-31ish but for the sake of this story they are now 40-41ish) They had you thanks to the help of a family friend's unique quirk.

Aizawa calls you kiddo, while Yamada calls you pumpkin.

Appearance-wise you look more like Hizashi (blonde, green eyes) but you also look pretty tired (like Aizawa).

Quirk-wise you're a healthy combination of the two; quirk cancelation via soundwaves. Although you can't get as loud as Hizashi (yet), you are able to 'erase' multiple quirks at the same time, the louder you yell the longer it'll take for their quirk to remanifest, while the longer you yell the further the wave will reach (you are able to control it pretty well, for example, if you were fighting villains with another hero and a crowd nearby you could specifically target the villains while leaving everyone else a-okay, even if they heard your voice), the sound waves can also be strong enough to push things or people away from you! You can also mimic other voices.

You use a 'binding scarf' (like Aizawa), metal plates on your knuckles, and the toe of your sneakers for close combat.

Your hero costume is pretty simple, sneakers, leggings, skirt, tank-top, scarf, gloves. (look at the cover picture I drew for a better idea, it should be below this).

 (look at the cover picture I drew for a better idea, it should be below this)

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Eventually, you will have a slightly older brother (Hitoshi) ♡♡♡

Love interest: Bakugo, enemies to lovers... hehe!

House layout somewhere below. (I added what room would become Eri's but this book won't get to that point).

Oh, and because Aizawa loves cats, the family adopted three strays, one striped orange which you named Nemo back in elementary school, and two fluffy black cats, named Uno (courtesy of Aizawa) and Coco (short for Coconut the third of Russia, thank...

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Oh, and because Aizawa loves cats, the family adopted three strays, one striped orange which you named Nemo back in elementary school, and two fluffy black cats, named Uno (courtesy of Aizawa) and Coco (short for Coconut the third of Russia, thank you Yamada).

Now then Let's begin!

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