Chapter 12 - Internships Part 2

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Chapter 12 - Internships Part 2

Y/n's POV

You shook her head and cleared away your worried thoughts. If Iida was going to go after Stain then helping Miriko find him first would surely protect him. You were a little nervous about interning in Hosu since you knew about the Hero killer being in the area but until now didn't think you'd run into him. Now you needed to, otherwise, Iida could get himself hurt, or worse.

"Y/n!" you heard someone shout from your right as you hopped off the train just before the doors closed. You turned to see Miriko dressed in her Hero costume, which was basically a fancy leotard and some thigh-high boots, waving you over to her.

"Morning Miriko, thank you for agreeing to intern me," You politely greeted her.

"Heh, no thank you," she said with a smirk. You couldn't help but notice the mischievous tone in her voice but brushed it off as you were still a bit on edge what with Iida trying to get himself killed. "Come on we're jogging to the hotel,"

"Great!" You tried to sound excited but honestly, you hated cardio.

"Don't worry kid, it's only two miles away," She said over her shoulder with a laugh. "Once we get there I'll give you some time to unpack and change into your gear before we start training you!"

After two long miles, you and Miriko finally arrived at the hotel which looked more like a kickboxing gym to you but it did at least have private rooms for rent on the floor above the ring. Not wanting to keep Miriko waiting you quickly got changed into your Hero Costume and pulled your hair back out of your face. You decided to just leave your clothes in your duffle bag as there wasn't a dresser or a closet in your room before heading down to the boxing ring like Miriko requested.

"Perfect timing!" Miriko shouted as you walked into the gym. "I want you to meet someone,"

"Hello there I'm, Y/n." You said politely to Miriko's friend. She was a shorter lady with gray hair despite looking no older than Miriko herself. Just like Miriko, she had tan skin and red eyes that seemed to pierce through your skull and read your mind, the only difference was where Miriko had bunny ears she had gray fox ears and a matching tail.

"Hi, Y/n! Welcome to my gym! I'm Miriko's older sister, Kitsune," She said with a smile as she jumped down from the boxing ring. "Miriko says you're her intern for the week? Why on earth would you choose her?!"

You laughed as the two started wrestling and bickering, reminding you of how you and Hitoshi act, over the remote.

"To be completely honest," you said to interrupt their sibling feud, "I needed someone who could help me fight without the aid of a quirk, I want to improve my hand-to-hand combat,"

"Oh, well then you definitely picked the right person! Only I am stronger than my little sis when it comes to kickboxing," Kitsune proudly smirked as she jammed her thumb into her chest.

"I hate to admit it, but she does have me beat there. However, I am definitely faster! And my kicks are stronger!" Miriko insisted.

"Yeah, yeah. So Y/n you ready to get started? This workout regime helps build speed and muscle so make sure you stretch before we start," Kitsune said as she started stretching her legs.

"If you need to tap out at any time, don't. Push through the pain, that's the only way to get stronger!" Miriko coached as she too began stretching.

"No-" Kitsune argued and before you knew it the two of them were back to bickering.

*Cue epic training montage*

*Cue epic training montage*

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