Chapter 10 - Wait It's Not What You Think!

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Chapter 10 - Wait It's Not What You Think!

Aizawa's POV

"So when are you planning on telling your homeroom about their internship offers?" Zashi said from the driver's seat of your car. It was currently nine in the morning and you had been dozing off like usual.

"Probably Monday," you responded as your husband finally gave up trying to self-navigate and turned on the car's GPS.

"How many offers did Y/n get?!" he asked energetically. 'How the hell does he have so much energy? He kept me up till four am partying at that wedding last night,' you thought grudgingly as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes.

"Too many..." you answered honestly, Y/n had almost gotten more offers than she could possibly look through, not as many as Todoroki or Bakugo but still, two thousand and seventy-five offers is a bit excessive, to say the least.

"Haha! That's our girl...WAIT, what do you mean by 'too many'?" he yelled while making a sharp turn to get off the highway, 'I don't know what's scarier his yelling or driving...' you thought as you gripped onto the armrest of the car for dear life.

"What do you think I meant?" you said innocently, hoping your husband would just drop it.

"I thought you moved past this?" He said while gripping the steering wheel tighter, 'yep momma-bear is definitely not happy...probably shouldn't call him momma-bear either...' you thought as you swallowed the lump in your throat nervously.

"I have!" you started but quickly chocked on air at the look Hizashi was giving you "Or...did, at least,"

"She's going to be fine, you saw how well she did at the festival!" Zashi said with his classic sigh of disappointment laced with just a hint of annoyance.

"I know I know but I can't help but worry," you said with a yawn.

"You can worry all you want but it's not going to help any, and it certainly is not going to start bringing her down again! Right?" he said while narrowing his eyes at you, to which you quickly nodded your head in agreeance. "And Hitoshi? How'd he do?"

"He didn't get very many, mostly cause he wasn't in the hero program till after the festival," you said while slumping back into the passenger seat.

"He still got some though! That's our boy!" Zashi exclaimed as he finally pulled into your driveway.

"Yeah...our boy," you said with a smile that was all too quickly erased with another yawn.

"Wait whose backpacks are these? I don't recognize them," he said, turning to you as he hung his jacket up above the four school bags where there should only be two.

"I don't know I don't memorize their friend's bags..." you said teasingly to your husband before going full-on dad mode, cracking your knuckles, and heading downstairs to 'check' on your son and the friends he wasn't supposed to have over. Only there was no one down there, 'that's odd, where is he?' you thought as you headed back upstairs to see your husband taking pictures in the living room. "What are you doing? Did you check on Y/n?"

"SHHH! You'll wake them up," he responded while taking another picture. To your surprise you found your son and the loudest blonde in your class asleep wrapped up in each other's arms on the couch. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all..."

"What does that mean?!" you questioned suspiciously as Zashi took yet another picture of the pair. "And stop taking pictures of them!"

"W-w-what? Why?" he whined, but still, put the camera back into its bag. "Have you checked on Y/n yet?"

Aizawa-Yamada-Chan!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें