16. Back At The Bridge

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     When Ray arrived to pick up Nathan for his community work Monday morning, he pulled up to the Summer Home earlier than usual. Turns out Sonya had given him a heads up before Peter called him to give the Sheriff the Cole's Notes version of what had happened at Sunday Dinner. Ray didn't say much in response and was even quiet when he arrived the next morning to pick Nathan up for his service to the town. Nathan was up and ready to go at his usual time but had no idea how long Ray had been there, but he was speaking to both Sonya and Peter before leaving with the young man to do their work. As they sat there in the truck, Ray was quieter than any ride into town had ever been. Nathan didn't think much of it since it was Monday and the man likely just needed a good steaming cup of java to get back to his talkative self. Things seemed rather normal that was until Ray took a turn that went away from where they were supposed to be going. Nathan was a little confused but didn't think much of it. A few moments later Ray grabbed the mic under his dash and contacted the station.

     "Tell deputy Johnson that Cheryl Adams is not working with Nathan today." Ray barked into the radio. "Take her along with the two other punks to the park to pick up trash for the day."

     "Yes sir." the radio replied. "What about Nathan Anderlini?"

     "Nathan is sick today." Ray answered, "And I'm calling it a day early, but will be one call. Do not disturb me unless someone is dead or dying. Is that Understood?"

     There was a long pause. "Yes sir. Station out."

     Nathan had no idea what was going on and was beginning to worry a little since he told the station that he was home sick.

     "Ray," Nathan started, "What's going..."

     Without warning, Ray slammed on the brakes and then slapped the truck into park. Had Nathan not been wearing his seat belt, he would have flown out of the windshield. After the truck came to a complete stop, Ray shot his hand out and clamped it over his passenger's mouth.

     "You shut your fucking cake hole!" Ray screamed at the young man. "You are not to say a damn word unless you're spoken to. Is that understood?"

     Even when asked a question, Nathan never said a word and nodded to acknowledge compliance.

     "Good," Ray said, as he started the truck back up and continued down the road to their destination. Nathan had no idea where they were going but he suspected that Ray's anger had something to do with the events that occurred the night before at the family dinner where a lot of personal stuff came out. Ray finally brought the truck to a stop and pulled the key from the ignition.

     "Get out of the truck," Ray barked, "Now!"

     When Nathan got out of the truck, there was something massive in front of them that was almost impossible to ignore: a bridge. It was a really big bridge, capable of handling four lanes and some pretty busy traffic. There were no cars there, as it was run down and closed for repairs. Since Ray was a cop he was able to access the site anytime he wanted to. Ray wasn't in a patient mood as he shoved Nathan a few times, obviously wanting him to get on the bridge and get a good look for himself.

     "Take a good look and let it all in," Ray said with a tone of heavy sarcasm. "Why read about it in a crappy book written by a lying bitch in New York when you can come out here and see it for yourself."

     Nathan's heart sank when he hear those words come from Ray's mouth. He knew about the biography and had some choice words for the writer that the Sheriff clearly had no respect for.

     "Look," Nathan started to explain, "I was just doing research."

     "Well, that's funny." Ray cracked back as he started to stroll down the bridge. "I was here on this bridge when it happened. Why would you take the word of a stranger who was never there over mine? I don't know about you son, but that is outright insulting."

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