4. The Decision

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     As the cell phone rang Peter was so exhausted that he didn't hear it ring at first because he was almost passed out on the waiting room couch. He sat back up, looked at the cell, and realized that only a few hours had passed since Nathan arrived. He looked to also realize who was calling, and quickly picked up the call.

     "Sonya," Peter started, "I meant to call you back."

     "That's alright baby," Sonya said with a voice that let know Peter that she understood and had his back. He always felt better when he knew she was behind him in any situation.

     "How is she doing?" she asked him.

     "Not well," Peter said, as he looked around to make sure sensitive ears were not close enough to overhear what he was about to say. "I talked with the surgeon in charge of the case, and they've already declared her brain dead. There's zero activity, which means she's already gone."

     "Oh no," Sonya said, clearly saddened to hear the news, "I'm so sorry Peter. I know you two didn't get along, but I know you would never wish this on anyone."

     "I know," Peter agreed, as he stood up and walked over to the window. He had something else to say: "I was also informed that Christina hadn't updated her will since the divorce, which gives me power of attorney."

     "Jesus, Peter," Sonya cursed, as she could tell where this is going. "Your son will never forgive you if you pull the plug on his mother. Haven't you two screwed up your relationship enough already?"

     "All good points, dear." Peter agreed, despite her manner in expressing it.

     Sonya knew things were bad between Peter and his son, but even she could see how ugly things could get if Peter used his authority in a very awkward situation. It's every man's dream to take out the woman that screwed him over in divorce court, but the truth was Peter didn't feel that way. Peter still loved his son, and he would rather be nagged by Christina for decades to come rather than put his boy through what was about to happen to him. Despite his feelings about the woman, it was his son's mother and even he would admit this was too soon for him to say goodbye to her.

     "I'm not going to do this alone," Peter told her. "I'm going to let everyone present have a say. This will be a democracy, not a dictatorship."

     "That's a good call," Sonya said, approving of his strategy.

     "Peter," Shannon said, as she walked close.

     Peter turned to face his former sister-in-law and held a hand up.

     "Honey, I've got to go." Peter said to his wife, "Loves ya too."

     "I spoke with the doctors," Shannon started, "They told me everything. What are we going to do about this?"

     "We're all going to talk about this together, everyone." Peter informed her. "Unless everyone is on the same page, nothing happens."

     "Oh, thank you." Shannon said as she walked over and hugged him. Peter didn't have to listen to them, but wasn't in the mood to fight anyone, especially in front of Nathan considering he's about to get some very shitty news.

     Peter and Shannon sat at the back of the Christina's room and watched as the doctor came in and informed everyone else who was there of the situation: the patient's brain was no longer functioning, and her body was just an empty shell. They didn't say it that crudely, but the words weren't what upset everyone rather than the content that informed them all that their loved one was already gone.

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