"I know I could've told you this through an email but I wanted to see you. I should've visited you sooner but I'll admit that I was afraid; a coward. I won't give you any excuses to as to why I haven't made an effort to see you during these past few years but...if it's not too late, I hope we could catch up."

I didn't hate my dad.

I held nothing against him even after he left without a word. I'll admit, there were times I wanted to ask him if he was willing to meet up in person but I just couldn't do it. Not because I didn't have the courage to but I couldn't think of a reason why to meet with him in the first place.

After his short little speech, my dad gave me a hug and was on his way. I watched as his figure became smaller and smaller till he was no longer in my field of vision.

Moving to Italy?

With my burrito finished, I looked up at the sky in a daze. With a few clouds in sight, I focused on that and followed them as they drifted along.

To be honest, the offer doesn't sound so bad. With all the shit that's been going on in my life, a change of scenery sounds amazing. For one, I could meet my dad's side of the family again. The last time I met them was when I was around the three years old, meaning I can barely remember what they look like.

But the real question was, was I willing to leave everything back here and move to a different country?

I wasn't exactly sure but I won't lie and say that I'm not considering it. Allistor and Jonathan were getting married soon so depending on when exactly their wedding will be, I can leave after attending it. As for my mother, I'll just give my apology and then leave. I'm sure she won't mind, in fact I bet she'd be happy with it. As for work, I'll give my resignation letter two weeks prior.

There's a lot more things that I need to figure out but it won't be until next year. Knowing how my dad isn't exactly a fan of being in crowded places, I'm sure he'll book a flight in the middle of the year giving me more than enough time to get everything in order.

It'll also give me time to get back on my Italian. Not that I was bad at it, but because my job never required it nor do I know anyone –other than my dad– to speak it with.

I got down from the hood of my car and stretched a bit before getting inside. As I was about to power my engine to life, the passenger's side door was opened and the seat occupied.

"What the fu-"

"Shut-up. Now drive us to the bakery, my shift starts in an hour." Casper stated as she threw her backpack in the backseat.

I was about to say something but immediately shut my mouth when Casper told me to 'get going'. I obliged and drove us to the bakery like she asked –scratch that– like she ordered.

Throughout the entire car ride, Casper only blared some old school and sung her heart out. I didn't mind and I soon found myself joining her with laughter every now and then when she couldn't sing along to some of the lyrics.

It felt freeing, liberating even.

I couldn't remember the last time I laughed this much or felt so excited.

When we reached the bakery, both of us were out of breath but that didn't stop us from breaking out in a fit of laughter with our heads thrown back.

"God that was so much fun." she exhorted.

"It really was." I replied with a light chuckle.

Casper turned down the volume, the music sounding more faint.

"I lied." She said, "I don't work on Saturdays"

"I know."

I was aware Casper wasn't being honest and assumed she must've wanted to go to Luciel's and used the bakery as an excuse.

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