Willing chapter 3

Start from the beginning

He knows it's just Billy's instincts. His mind reminds him of it every time the vampire feeds, but it's easy for his heart to want more. Easy to imagine what his lips might feel like against his own. Sometimes he wonders what Billy would say if he knew what went through his mind and he cringes. Unfortunately even his daydreams can't conjure a positive reaction.

He'd be pissed if he found out. Disgusted at the selfish reason (Y/N) allows himself to be bitten. Men shouldn't think the way he does about his friend. Billy could get pretty heated at the best of times, (Y/N) can only imagine the heat he'd get if he was ever open with his feelings. No doubt he'd lose his shit at hearing he'd been hanging around a fag this whole time.

Hands rub against his skin, running from his elbows to his shoulders in a soothing repetitive pattern. (Y/N) leans back against Steve's chest, accepting the comfort he offers them.

Steve is more than happy to take (Y/N) into his arms, smoothing his hands across the teens skin. "You're good" he mumbles, resisting the urge to bury his nose in their hair. It feels silly to admit that he's quite jealous of the situation (Y/N) is in. He had hated the idea of being bitten when he first found out about Billy's true nature, but ever since he'd let Billy drink from him it's all the jock can think about. Maybe he could suggest the vampire feed on him next time.

Billy's eyes flick up to meet his own, peeking up at him through long lashes. The vampire has his face tucked into (Y/N)'s shoulder as he drinks, despite those dark eyes being focused on him. So different to the blue eyes he had so often associated with the blonde.
Come to think of it, both Billy and (Y/N) had been on his mind a lot lately. Their smiles, their laughs, they took up constant residency in his mind. Had he always thought about them this much? Maybe he had always had (Y/N) on his mind, but Billy hargrove? That was admittedly a little surprising. They had started off as rivals afterall. Yet here he is, mind still hooked on the vampire.

Steve's hand traces up (Y/N)'s bicep, eyes still caught on those icy blue ones. His hand continues up, hesitantly threading through Billy's golden curls. The vampire hums against (Y/N)'s skin, his eyes slipping closed as Steve pets his hair. Nails lightly tracing over his scalp, he hadn't expected Billy to allow him this.

A repetitive knocking has the three of them jumping, jolting from each other's embrace. "Shit that'll be Eddie" (Y/N) guesses. "It's okay. I'll keep him occupied and you..." Steve says pointing to Billy "clean up."

He leaves the room to stall for time. Billy didn't get nearly enough blood, they all know it. But he can't worry about that now.

Eddie is confused to find Steve Harrington opening the door for him, the jock plasters and easy going grin on his face despite looking so flustered. "Hey Eddie" he exclaims, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans on the doorway. Eddie jerks his head up in a nod "Steve." The air is awkward as Steve leads the metalhead into the living room, not long after (Y/N) and Billy hargrove make their way into the room with a beer for each of them.

(Y/N) taps his nails on the tin of the can as they sit opposite Eddie "sorry, I forgot to mention Steve and Billy were coming over" he apologises but Eddie simply waves him off. However it's clear that the metalhead is clearly more withdrawn than his usual self.

A few beers in and he begins to warm up to the group a little bit, though (Y/N) knows he's holding back still. Being weird at school in front of a crowd around his friends is one thing but being weird at a small personal gathering and knowing only one person there is a whole other situation.

Billy isn't fairing much better. The blond taps his foot repetitively as the group sit and talk. They know Billy didn't get nearly enough blood to sate him. He can still taste the sweet tang of (Y/N)'s blood on his tongue which only serves to invigorate his thirst.

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