♫𝑺𝒆𝒐𝒌𝒔𝒐𝒐: 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆♫

Start from the beginning

Knowing that Jeonghan was in good hands he released the sigh he was holding in and smiled a little bit. "So, what do you say?" Seokmin said breaking Jisoo out of his thoughts and looked at the other with a clueless expression. He was so lost in his thoughts that he totally forgot to answer the other male. "We can go." Jisoo answered as he smiled at the other.

"What about your friend?" Seokmin asked as he pushed his hands into his pockets. "They're in good arms." Jisoo answered and Seokmin nodded before leading Jisoo out the club.


"So did you drive here?" Seokmin asked as the two walked through the parking lot. "I did, but it's my friends car." Jisoo replied and Seokmin nodded as he took his keys out his pocket. "How were you supposed to go home if your friend just left without telling you?" He asked as he looked at the other who shrugged. "The bus or a cab." Jisoo shyly replied with a blush on his cheeks.

Seokmin chuckled lightly and unlocked his car. He opened the passenger side for Jisoo and the other thanked him with a small smile. Seokmin closed the door and walked over to his side of the car and started it. As he started the car, he held out his phone for the other to take, the Spotify app already open.

"Play whatever you like." Seokmin said as Jisoo took the phone out of his hand. Jisoo stared at the phone screen, thinking of what song he should before gasping lightly and typing away on the phone. A soft melody started to play from the speakers before the beat dropped a little bit.

Seokmin recognized it as a western song based off the lyrics being in English. But that doesn't him he didn't know the song. So once the part he knew by heart came on, him and Jisoo sung the lyrics.

"BURNING DOWN THE STREET NO LEFT, RIGHT!" Jisoo looked over towards the other with a smile and Seokmin sung, "LEFT, RIGHT."

"I DONT WANNA SEE NO RED LIGHT" Jisoo sung as Seokmin followed with "RED LIGHT!" As they smiled at each other. "You know Conan Gray?" Jisoo asked as he lower down the volume a little bit. "Of course! His music is so good." Seokmin answered which made Jisoo smiled as he looked up and gasped.

"You have a sun roof?!" He asked leaving no time for the other to react as he opened the sun roof and took off his seatbelt as he crawled onto the middle piece and stuck his head out of the sun roof as he continued to sing the rest of the song.

"You right next to me, feel the heat, going overdrive!~" Jisoo sung as he felt the wind blow through his brown hair. After the song was over he climbed back into his seat and buckled his seatbelt with a cheeky smile on his lips. "Didn't think you were a risk taker considering how you excluded yourself in the club." Seokmin said as he stole a glance at the other.

"That's because I'm not, but I guess the moment felt right." Jisoo said as he played with his fingers and slouched in his seat a little. "Where are we going anyways?" He asked as he looked out his window. "I don't know." Seokmin said as he poked his bottom lip out a little bit. "Wanna go to the beach?" He asked as he looked at the other. "Sure." Jisoo said as he looked at the other.

"Cool because we're here." Seokmin said as he put the car in park and turned it off. Jisoo looked at the other with a shook expression as he looked out his window to see that they were definitely at the beach. They unbuckled their seatbelts and got out the car. Jisoo giggled a little bit before taking off his shoes, throwing them somewhere and running towards the water.

Seokmin watched with a fond smile as the other squealed when the water almost splashed on him. It's funny to think that they met less than five hours ago and they already seem so close. "Are you just going to stand there?" Jisoo exclaimed as he looked at the other with a cheeky smile. Seokmin chuckled before taking off his shoes and running towards the shore.

As he made it, he picked up Jisoo and spun them in a circle. Once he realized what he was doing he let Jisoo down and stepped back a little bit from him. "Sorry." Seokmin said as he cleared his throat. Jisoo tilted his head a little bit as he gave the other a confused expression. "Don't be, I enjoyed it. Actually to be honest, I enjoyed the last few hours we have spent together." Jisoo said as he stepped closer to the other.

"I have never felt so free in my life before I met you and it feels great." Jisoo said with a slight laugh as he looked towards the ocean then back at Seokmin with a bright smile. "I'm glad I make you feel that way." Seokmin said as he stared into Jisoo's beautiful brown eyes. "D-do you want my number?" Seokmin stuttered out which made Jisoo laugh before biting his lip a little bit and nodding his head.

They exchanged numbers before Jisoo pushed Seokmin into the water, wetting his clothes a little bit. "You did not?!" Seokmin asked as he gave the other a shook expression. Jisoo continued to laugh as he looked at how socked Seokmin was. "Get over here!" Seokmin exclaimed as he ran up to Jisoo who started to run away laughing wholeheartedly.

And that's how another beautiful relationship bloomed into a beautiful flower in this ugly world full of dead grass.


And that's the end of that.

I hope you enjoyed it Lin!!😠🫵

But like always

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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