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"Mr.Bae, you're pregnant" The doctor said,"No way!Really!?" Jacob ask with a smile, "Yes, and Mr.Moon is the father" the doctor said. "Really?" Kevin smile, "Congratulations!" Said the doctor


"I can't believe we're going to have a kid! We should think of names!" Jacob excitedly said "Calm down young grasshopper. We'll have enough time to think of names" Kevin chuckled at his excited boyfriend. "We should tell our parents and friends" Jacob said hitting Kevin's hand out of excitement, "When do you want to tell them?" Kevin asked, "later today, let's get something to eat.".

~1 Month later~

"It's a girl!" Jacob said

"I'm going to have a grand daughter" Jacob's Mom said hugging Jacob. "Do you have a name for her yet?" Kevin's mom ask "not yet" Kevin answered,"Oh! I should go shopping for her" Jacob's Mom said. "Don't go overboard with the clothes ok mom" Jacob said,"I'll keep an eye on her" Kevin's mom said

"Thank you"

~Another Month later~

"Hm.....we should name her Luna Bae. It has both of our names" Jacob ask

"Sure, Luna it is" Kevin said rubbing Jacob's stomach with a smile.

~The third Month~

"Here you go, don't want both of my babies to starve" Kevin said placing a plate in front of Jacob,"I need you to eat too. I can't let you starve too" Jacob said feeding Kevin some of his food. Kevin kissed Jacob's cheek, "and I can't forget about you Luna" Kevin said kissing Jacob's stomach.

~The Fourth Month~

"There she is" the doctor pointed to the screen, "Can we have the pictures, please?" Kevin ask. "Of course Mr.Moon" the doctor said and left to go get the pictures.

"Here you go sir" the doctor gave Kevin the pictures,"thank you" Kevin said. "Your welcome, eat healthy and rest a lot ok Jacob?"

"Yes Ma'am"

~The Fifth Month~

"Kevin! Come here!"

"What is it?! Are you hurt? Is Luna ok?" Ask a very panicked Kevin,"She kicked!" Jacob exclaim. "Really!?" Kevin ask laying next to Jacob,"Right.....here" Jacob guided Kevin's hand to where she kicked.

"Aw~ don't worry, just wait four more months. Can you do that for me?" Kevin said rubbing Jacob's stomach, Jacob just smile at him.

~The Sixth Month~

"Oh, look Luna, Grandma bought more clothes for you" Jacob said a little concern of what his mother picked out. "Honey I'm home!" Kevin yelled,"hey Kev" Jacob said,"What's this?" Kevin ask sitting next to Jacob.

"The clothes mom bought for Luna" Jacob answered, "My child is not wearing that"

~The Seventh Month~

"Now Luna, I want you to never grow up and become a bad person in this world. I want you to grow up and become a nice, loveable, mature woman but if they get on your nerves don't be afraid to fight back. I want you to be a smart young lady when you grow up, I want you to choose a good path when you grow up, ok?" Kevin said.

~The Eighth Month~

"She's kicking again!"

"I'm coming"

~The Ninth Month~

"Here she is" the doctor said handing Jacob Luna,"She's beautiful" Jacob said smiling at Luna, who was peaceful sleeping.

"Look at her. She's going to be so spoil" Kevin said, "Don't spoil her" Jacob said.

"I will but I won't"


~The End~

Woah, I'm tired and I'm listening to Any Song rn but I hope you enjoy this. I might make a part two of this one but who knows. Next ship is going to be Sunki or NyuKyu, which ever one I'm in the mood for.

Anyways vote comment and follow if you want to. Good morning night or afternoon bye love you<3

 Good morning night or afternoon bye love you<3

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Damn, it was hard trying to find this. It's Kevin's fault he takes 50% of my gallery

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