Honestly, Nero was worried, but if his Kuro thought it was right, he would let them go without objection.

Aleks turned again and nodded. Then he went to Belial's study, where he was arranging a few documents. "Ready?" he asked his demon, who nodded.

Together they went into the entrance area and Belial opened a portal, which the two passed through with entwined hands.

On the other side, they were greeted by a green lush meadow and wooded air. In front of Aleks stretched a huge house, alone in the middle of nowhere. Wow, this is where Belial's parents live. I'm so excited. At the same time, he was also nervous. He hoped that his parents liked him, after all, he didn't want to be the cause of a family quarrel.

They stepped to the door and knocked. Shortly thereafter, they heard hurried footsteps and the door opened. They were greeted by a beaming face.

"Hello, my son. I'm so happy about your surprise visit," said the demon with dark blue hair and light, milky skin. He had hip-length hair tied in a braid and lemon-yellow eyes. He was really beautiful and a little smaller than Aleks.

"Come in," he said to the two of them, and they entered thankfully.

The house was built of wood and stone. Long dark wooden beams ran across the walls, while the stone wall was plastered white. Everywhere there were pictures of nature scenes on the walls, which made you feel like you were standing in the middle of nature. They were so colorful, detailed, and vibrant. The type looked very familiar to Aleks.

Did your mother draw the pictures in your estate? he asked his demon.

Belial smiled and nodded. Yes, he's the most talented artist I know.

Aleks was fascinated. To have such a gift was truly amazing.

The small entrance reminded Aleks of the entrance to a forest, green glowing stones everywhere and flowers and plants grew in vases attached to the wall in small pots. The floor was made of dark wood planks and covered with an earth-colored carpet. At the end of the small corridor was a wooden staircase that led both up and down.

However, they turned left into a large room with floor-to-ceiling windows that could be opened. So the room would open up and you were practically outside again. The common room was huge and decorated with numerous pots with plants of all kinds. Four large sofas stood in the middle, covered with light brown leather. In the middle stood a knee-high wooden table made of ebony. In the back there was a large dining table with numerous wooden chairs in which numerous floral patterns were carved. Next to it was a passage that led into a large kitchen.

Belial's mother fetched a steaming cauldron from the kitchen and poured them a cup of tea into the cups already prepared on the small table.

Aleks and Belial made themselves comfortable in front of him and Aleks accepted the cup with gratitude. "Thank you for the warm welcome," the angel began.

The Sylph demon smiled. "Oh please, dear, not so formal. My name is Lynn. My mate will be here soon, he must have forgotten the time again," he said with a smile.

"I'd love to, I'm Aleksander Esai, but please call me Aleks," he said to his mother-in-law, smiling. He made a very nice and open-minded impression on Aleks.

As if Lynn had suspected it, a demon with short black hair, green eyes and fair skin entered the room. He recognized the eyes at once, for they were those of Belial. He had his mother's hair, but his father's facial features and stature, as well as the color of his eyes, that much was clear. The Leviathan sat down next to Lynn and pulled him closer. He is his heart, you can see that clearly. Because Belial also made this gesture with Aleks. He had most likely inherited it from his parents.

"Just in time, Tsuka," Lynn said to his mate.

"Sorry for being late," Belial's father told the two guests. "I'm Blain, Belial's father. I'm glad to meet you, Aleksander," he said kindly, but like Belial with some restraint.

Like father, like son.

"I'm so happy that you've finally found your heart, and such an extraordinary one at that," Lynn said, taking a sip from his cup.

Aleks smiled nervously. So they know. "Yes, our meeting was also a bit unusual," he replied nervously.

"I'm curious, how did you meet?" Lynn asked his son.

"He saved and healed me after I was attacked by mercenaries in the human world. We tied the knot and returned to hell together," Belial replied calmly as always.

"As always, short ties with little passion. Who do you think he got it from?" the Sylph demon sighed, whose mate gave him a loving look.

So they talked a little more and Aleks told a little more about their encounter.

"Another question, Aleks. I've heard that you have an angelic sword. Is that right?" Blain asked.

Aleks nodded cautiously.

"Can I take a look at it? Never have I ever held a heavenly weapon in my hand."

Aleks looked nervously at Belial.

"Aleks can't call it yet. It has only appeared twice, and that was in extreme situations, father. I'm sorry to disappoint you," his demon replied. They had tried many times in recent months, unfortunately in vain.

Blain waved his hand in acceptance.

"Well, if that's not my little brother," a voice sounded from the corridor. A tall woman with long blue-black hair and lemon-yellow eyes stood in the doorway and looked at them.

"Hello, Ria," Belial said coldly, but Aleks had noticed that he had tensed up.

The demon sat down to the side and shook hands with Aleks. "My name is Eleuteria, but call me Ria. I'm Belial's big sister."

Aleks politely returned her handshake, but found that she almost crushed his hand. Ouch. Heaven she has a tight grip.

"So you're the poor one that fate has given my brother as a heart," she added in a neutral tone that confused Aleks more than the statement itself. This manner is probably hereditary.

"At least I have a heart and the mates don't run away from me," Belial replied with narrowed eyes.

"After all, I have connections and I'm not a cold stone that bangs a stranger every hundred years," Ria countered.

Aleks watched the exchange of blows with his mouth open. Wow. That's what I call a sibling quarrel. The two continued to dish out until Lynn cleared his throat.

"You two, you are making our guest feel uncomfortable. How about you guys take it out in the forge and I talk to Aleksander in peace," Lynn said in a friendly but firm tone. "Now," he added in a dashing tone, looking at them.

Belial and Ria fell silent.

Wow. This demon simply silences Belial. He wouldn't make the mistake of underestimating Lynn, who was more than two thousand years old.

"I want to see Elyrion. Follow me," Blain said, standing up.

Belial nodded and stood up. Is it okay for you if I go out with my dad?

Aleks smiled. Of course, I'm sure you have a lot to talk about. Together with Ria, the three disappeared and went to the forge in the back of the house.

Lynn stood up as well. "What do you think of a little walk?" he asked Aleks kindly.


Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now