Chapter 7: Who are you?

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[FYI: I wanna say that i know some stuff in here are out of order, example of when Deku got Float, and the UA dorms, etc. But i hope it's okay because i don't remember the exact order of the whole anime. Anyways, back to the story!]

A few weeks have passed. We all went about our days as per normal, and my feelings for Uraraka gradually increased.

But ever since that Sunday.. something seemed off about Uraraka.


Wednesday, 8:15 am.

"Hey, Midoriya-kun. What're you thinking about? Uraraka-san?" Sero teased me, as i was staring at the wall. I snapped back to reality hearing him say that.

"H-huh? No.. well, maybe. But i don't really know-" But my words were interrupted by Kacchan.

"Can you just shut up for once you d*mn nerd?! Everytime i keep hearing about that d*mn pink cheeks, my ears are going to bleed from your annoyance."

"Hah, Bakugou-kun, are you jealous or something?" Sero said as Kacchan threw a book at him. "Say that again and i'll kill you."

"Ow, that hurts! Geez, i was just joking, don't take it so seriously. And besides, i heard that you-" Sero stopped as Kacchan shot him a death glare, which i'd only seen him give when he's extremely mad.

"Um.. well, Sero-kun, it's not true, really.. he uh.. confirmed it himself." I said, hoping that will atleast stop Kacchan from getting angry. Kacchan let out a "Tch" and looked away.

Sero sighed. "I seriously don't get him, ya know, he doesn't have to get so mad.. Anyways, yeah, what were you thinking about?"

"Well.. don't you think Uraraka-san has been acting off lately? Like.. she's suddenly clingy around me and calls me by my first name. I-it's not that i'm mad at her for calling me by my first name, but.. she always calls me Deku."

Sero gasped. "Oo, that means she might like you! You should totally confess to her, Midoriya-kun!"

"N-no, but.. why would she cling to me if she likes me? She should either be like how she always is around me, or distance herself away from me. And every night since that Sunday, she hasn't eaten dinner with us, saying she wants to go straight to bed! Don't you think that's a little odd?"

Sero put his fingers on his chin, fixated into a thinking position. "Hm, maybe. Uraraka-san really isn't the type to skip dinner, anyways, right? She's always looking forward to it, especially if Bakugou-kun is cooking. Something really is off.."

Kacchan definitely overheard the conversation, because he interrupted and said "And after school, she doesn't head back to the dorms. I saw her heading somewhere else once, but i didn't bother to ask where, because that's obviously a waste of time. She might not even say where she's going, either."

"Kacchan! So did you follow her?"

"No, obviously not, you d*mn nerd. Why would i waste my time on finding out where she's going?! With that amount of time, i could have been training or cooking dinner for all of you d*mn extras."

"Well.. i'm going to follow her."

"Midoriya! Are you crazy?! You'd risked getting rejected if she fi-"

"It doesn't matter. A hero prioritizes others' safety first. What if something bad happened to her?! Then if i don't follow, it might have been my fault!"

Sero looked at me with a worried face. "What if something happens to you? To the both of you?"

"I'll be fine. If something happens to me and you think i'm returning too late, inform the rest, or Aizawa-sensei."

Get a hint, will you?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora