Sugar Daddy

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The next day I realized we were completely out of cash. We scraped together about $3.76 in change. So I decided to do something about it. I pulled into an abandoned church parking lot and looked at my two companions, sizing them up. With Sam and Dean, I had pulled off a fight between a bystander and an abusive boyfriend in order to distract the workers long enough to pilfer what we needed. I clearly had to come up with a new scam.

I narrowed my eyes at Crowley.

"What?" He asked, seeming more flattered than alarmed.

"I'm trying to decide if you're my sugar daddy." I said more to myself than to him. He smirked and Jenny shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"I thought you'd never ask." He brought his face close to mine.

"Good, because it's going to be hard enough pretending to like you before we break up without you having acting trouble." I said, wanting to take him down a few notches.

"Burn." Jenny mumbled, glad to see the situation resolved.

"What are you talking about?" He said.

I changed into a more revealing outfit that was simple enough to be mistaken for expensive, if given the proper framing. Crowley hijacked a red classic car and we drove into a gas station. We walked in laughing and flirting, but quieted quickly at a disapproving look from the older man at the register. I picked up only necessary items, while he collected more luxuriant ones. We took turns pretending to give one another longing looks (at least, I was pretending.) while really we were silently asking the other if we had seen something that could disrupt our plan. I would duck my head and blush, and he would beam with pride if all was well. I was ready to approach the mark, (I would really have to lay the sad eyes on him) when I noticed a camera behind the counter. No go. The next time Crowley shot me his smolder I gave a curt shake of my head. We put everything back and tried another store. This time I scanned for cameras first, none to speak of, not even an anti-theft mirror. We repeated our roles, but this time I discreetly gave the signal. Crowley walked to me and put his hand on my bare shoulder.

"Ready?" He asked. I smirked and he understood. We began to argue, slightly at first, but by the time we were next in the checkout line both of us were fuming.

"Fine, go to that little gold-digger. See if she can give you stock tips." I snarled.

"I don't want stock tips, I want affection. You've been so distant; I don't even know if you love me." He bit back.

"Affection?" I lowered my voice, but not so low that the nosy cashier couldn't hear, "What did you call last night? I've only been distant because my father just died."

"Don't make me the bad guy! ...I'm tired of this." He turned around and walked out the door.

"Oh, yeah? Leave! Go see how long Dana can handle your appetite!" I screamed. He got into the car and drove away. "Oh, God. He left." I let a tear run from one of my eyes.

I looked at the the cashier. He was tall and dark, but had started to grey early. He had an open face and had been checking me out before I even walked up to the counter. The perfect mark.

"I- I'm sorry... for the scene..." I looked down at my items on the counter to avoid his eyes and another tear blinked out. I had to be careful, if I cried too much it would break the hold I had on him. Snot is generally known as a turn off.

"Is this enough?" I pulled the change out of my pocket and held my hand out.

"Look, the old guy who owns this place can't really tell if he gets the register count right anymore, so if I were to forget to charge you, no one would be the wiser."

"No, I can't do this again... not with anyone..." My cheeks changed color with shame.

"No!" he blushed, "No charge."

"Thank you, Do you have a phone? I know some people in the area." I asked.

Five minutes later Jenny pulled up in her car and waved.

"How'd it go?" she asked.

I held up the bag of fresh supplies. "It was actually really stress-relieving, you?"

"Four hundred." she glowed with pride as she drove to the meet-up spot. I raised my eyebrows, but didn't ask how she got the cash. Crowley knocked on the passenger window and I rolled it down.

"You're a bad girl." he almost purred the words.

"You don't know the half of it, get in the back." I said dismissively.

"Ooh, I like my girls demanding." He grinned cockily. I rolled my back window up.

"See, Jenny? Let them think they have a chance and they become obedient." I said as he reached for the door handle.
"There is no leg room back here." He commented.
"Men or Demons?" She asked.
"Both." I winked. She broke into a laugh.
"What?" Crowley looked at the two of us.

Twenty minutes later Crowley was making lists of the ingredients he would need to counter the hunters. I couldn't help looking at his lips in the rear-view as he mumbled to himself. Watching him when he was busy doing something he was good at made me feel warm inside and I didn't know why.
"So, when are you going to teach me to read people like you promised?" Jenny asked. I was flustered for a second, but an idea came to me.
"Now. Look at Crowley, king of hell. He's capable of instantaneous travel, killing people without a thought and probably seducing desperate women, yet he is sitting in the back of a cramped car listening to two girls nitpicking his every move. Why?" I asked. Crowley gave me a questioning look, but then returned to his notes with a playful smile.
"I don't know." Jenny said.
"Yet." I said, " You know enough about demons to know their main motivation. Go from there. Work it out, think aloud if you have to."
"For fun?" She asked. Crowley snorted from the back seat and she wrinkled her eyebrows.
"He's weak?" She tested, I nodded for her to continue. "Because of the Hunters." She said.
"They're called the Hounds." He interrupted, "I've done my homework." I waited for more, but he said nothing else.
"Keep going, Jenny." I encouraged.
"The hounds are hurting him somehow... or-" she trailed off.
"What?" I asked, wondering what her take on the situation was.
"It might have something to do with the deal you made. He might be keeping an eye on you. He can't hurt you, so if you decide to hurt him, he doesn't have a lot in the way of fighting back. If he watches you, at least he will have some warning." She said, finally trusting her own logic.
"I have people that can do that for me, you know." Crowley chimed in.
I ignored him. "I think you're partially right. If the king of hell is weakened, what do you think his lackeys are doing?" I lead her to the next line of inquiry.
Her eyes widened. "They're going after his job! They'll probably even try to kill him while he's down. And who's the best people to be around when you have demons on your tail? Hunters!" she shouted. Crowley laughed nervously in the back seat.
"Thanks!" She said to me.
"You did that, not me. I had no idea until just now." I replied before giving Crowley a look that meant I will help you, if you help me. He understood, having been in my head, and nodded. I turned on the radio and did my best to enjoy the next 10 hours of riding in the tiny car.

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