Bobby, Get Your Gun.

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When we were about an hour out from Bobby's place when I called him.

"Hey, Bobby. We've been limping along towards your place for the past few days. We're about an hour away, I hope you don't mind."

"No, of course not Anna. Who's we?" He answered.

"Um, another hunter. There are two of us, three if all goes well." I glanced at Crowley who was driving and gave him a quick, hopeful smile. He took one hand off the wheel and held the free hand in my lap. I squeezed his hand lightly before continuing, "It will take some explaining."

"Are," he stopped and took a deep breath,"are you pregnant?" He tried to sound sensitive.

"No!" I shouted in surprise before checking my volume. "No, gosh Bobby. Why is everyone asking me creepy questions lately?"

"Good. I'm not ready to be a grandfather."

I said, "Hah. Bye pops. Don't slip a disk between now and the time I get there." which was French for I love you. I hung up.

"Pops?" Crowley looked at me skeptically.

"Bobby... He's -I adopted him as my Dad when we first met and it sorta stuck. I wanted to be everyone's Mary-Sue when I was a teen." I smiled, glad I could still remember the happy things.

"Everyone's what?" He asked. I heard Jenny suppress her laughter in the back seat.

"Nothing." I blushed. "It's not important."

He glanced from me to Jenny and then back to the road.

"My mother always told me to avoid women, now I know why." He muttered.

I doubled over and tried my best not to bust a gut. After a few moments of laughter, Jenny managed to stop laughing enough to speak. "You have to stop, my sides!"

When we got close to our destination, the atmosphere in the car changed. Bobby would not take Crowley in with open arms, no matter the situation. When we arrived I asked Crowley to stay in the car until I could sort things out. He didn't like it, but he complied.

"Bobby!" I pulled him into a hug before realizing just how much I missed him, "This is Jenny." I motioned Jenny forward.

"Hi, Are you Bobby Singer?" She asked.

"Yeah, Why?" Bobby shook her hand.

"I'm Jennifer Mayfair." she said, "My Daddy told me a lot about you."

"Harold Mayfair? How is that old boy?" Jenny looked away and I had to answer for her.

"He's... not with us anymore. We need to get some of the local hunters to give him a proper burial, we didn't exactly have time to pay our respects."

"I'm sorry for your loss." He didn't wait for her response. He started to dial the number, but at the last second he glanced around his yard from his porch. His eyes fixed on the 2003 Altima we had driven in and on Crowley.

He grabbed the shotgun he kept near the front door and stormed toward the car.

"Bobby, wait!" I followed after him.

"What do you want?" He shouted cocking the gun. Crowley got out of the car and raised his hands.

"Believe it or not, our interests are aligned." He brought his arms down slowly. I saw the look on Crowley's face before I heard the sound. I screamed and ran to him without a second thought. Bobby had only hit him in the shoulder.

"Crowley, are you okay?" I asked putting my hands on his face and forcing him to look into my eyes.

"No, darling. I've got rock-salt in my arm." He muttered through his teeth. I realized now that I could no longer wait until the time was right to explain or hope Bobby wouldn't notice. The past three more minutes had already told a good deal of the story.

"Anna, back away from him. Crowley, walk until I tell you to stop." Bobby looked like he was ready to shoot both of us. We obeyed.

"I can explain." I said timidly.

"Well, Don't keep me waiting." He grunted.

"There are hunters after all three of us, they've gone rogue. They'll kill anyone who gets in the way. Even humans." I took a deep breath, knowing that I hadn't fully explained, and continued, "I saw no way out without getting myself killed or... I made a deal. He can't hurt me anymore."

"Before you ask-" Crowley tried to help, but I cut him off.

"We have certain... entanglements. He's on our side, for now." I finished.

"Ain't that cute?" He grumbled before lowering the gun. "Get inside before I change my mind."

Jenny offered me a sympathetic glance every once in a while. Bobby had called Dean, who was now on his way.

"Bobby, I'm willing to cater to you, but I won't explain myself to the Winchesters. They left me." I sat down on the couch next to where Crowley had made himself at home. He responded by putting his arm around me.

"Crowley, let's go out back for a chat." Bobby's voice was cold.

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