By Accident

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"Hi, Dean. It's Annie. I've called all of your numbers. I'm out and I don't have any idea what's going on. I need your help here."

I had called and left messages on every number I had for Sam and Dean. Nothing. I threw the phone in the back seat in frustration.

"Problem?" Jenny asked.

"My contacts aren't answering." I said.

"Well, were almost in town. What now?" she hesitated before she asked, "I want to call my Dad, he needs to know I'm not dead or... possessed."

"Drop me off at a cheap motel and I'll check in. You need to get some supplies for yourself and I need to turn these bottles of water into holy water. Go to a pay phone near a different hotel when you call your father." I said.

"Are you sure you're a hunter? You sound more like a spy." she observed.

"Let's just say, before I started the life, I had other options that my... skills were apt for." I smiled good-naturedly.

"How come Mr. C has kept so quiet?" she asked.

"He hasn't, not in my head, we both noticed your reaction to him. You're frightened, as you should be, so I asked him to stop hijacking my mouth."

"I don't mind. It must be strange for you." She said.

"Yeah." I said absently as she pulled up to the motel office.

As I was grabbing my bags I slipped her a piece of paper.

"This is my number, when you are finished, call me. I'll tell you the room number. If I don't answer, call me again. If I don't answer the second time, run. Go get your father and run."

Anna had no trouble charming the desk attendant into giving her a room and keeping quiet about it. She slipped him some extra cash, but it was her smile that made him accept it. She went to the room and locked the door. Immediately, she poured a line of salt around the door and around the in-window air conditioning. Then, Anna sat on the bed. I felt her eyes tear up and decided to bear with the pain rather than incur her wrath.

"Don't worry," she whispered, "I can't cry right now. I still have things to do."

She was careful as she blessed the water not to touch it and I was grateful for her effort. When she finished the first one she took out her phone and dialed a new number.

"F.B.I.?" a familiar voice spoke on the other end of the line, using his usual scam.

"Hey, Bobby. I'm so glad you answered." her voice and mind lightened with relief.

"Anna? You're okay?" Bobby's voice had the inexplicable ability to make my day better.

"I'm out. There are some crazy hunters chasing me, It's a long story." she hesitated too much, he probably noticed it just as much as I did. She started to pack the water bottles back into the case.

"Alright. I suggest you get down here and tell me that long story." he said

"I want to. I don't know exactly what the game plan is, but I will soon." she replied. The cap wasn't sealed on the next bottle. I saw it just before she grabbed it and it spilled onto her hand. I flinched and caused her to spill it all over her clothes. Steam rose and I let out a few curses before she could clamp her mouth shut.

"Are you alone?" Bobby asked, "You sound strange... Just say the word and I can have some hunters there to help you in a few hours.

"The answer to that question is too complicated to tell over the phone... the short answer is no, but it isn't enough. Don't send anyone." she said. "Bobby, I have to go. I'm waiting on an important phone call. I will tell you what's going on. Don't worry." with that, she hung up.


Jenny called in crying, "Anna! It's my Dad, he didn't answer! What if you were right? What if they-"

"Shut up, Jennifer." I said as sternly as I could. "Get in the car, come get me. We are going to get your father- who will be alive- and take him and you somewhere safe."

"Okay." she hung up.

"I'm strong enough to get my meat-suit back." Crowley spoke aloud for the first time in hours and I jumped.

"Alright, meet us at Jenny's place, if we're not there, then wait for us at Bobby's." I said.

"I thought you were dying to get rid of me." he said. "why the change of heart?"

"As far as I'm concerned, we're in this together. It's in our best interests to help each other until we aren't being hunted anymore." I hadn't thought about what would happen when he could retrieve his old body before now.

"Makes sense. I'll be there." he said.

I took off my anti-possesion charm and he smoked out. He rested on the ceiling while I broke the salt line. I managed to get a partial refund for the night we wouldn't be staying while I waited for Jenny.

She pulled up with puffy eyes so I made her get in the passenger seat.

"Crowley's gone to get his body. He'll meet up with us." I said.

After she calmed down enough, she spoke. "Why is he coming back? I mean, he's a demon. Doesn't he have ways to avoid hunters?" I didn't answer her question, mostly because I wasn't entirely sure myself.

"On second thought, why did he let you go in the first place?" I fought the temptation to pull over when she spoke.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? He likes you. He should have died sooner than enter that kind of agreement." she was a smarter cookie than she let on.

"Uh, he tortured me and threatened me. I don't think that's the behavior of an enamored to the object of his affections."

"Threatened? In my experience his kind don't do a lot of threatening. Did he come onto you, or kiss you?"

I gave her an incredulous look "I don't think he's the kind to get a schoolyard crush." she crossed her arms and looked at me in the rearview mirror until I answered. "Once, one of his threats... in context... but I was pretending to flirt with him to buy time and avoid answering his questions." she gave me a pointed look, again. "Twice. Both for deals. The first one was ok, until I tried to pull away. He got rough just to prove a point, I don't think he enjoyed it any more than I did." I sighed

"and the second one?" she asked.

"It was..." I checked my mirrors, "Part of his job description is kissing people, he's good at it when he wants to be. I didn't realize until later, but apparently..."

"What?" she shouted, excited like the teenager she was.

"I participated." I said as quickly and quietly as I could.

"I knew it! You like him too!" she giggled at my discomfort.

"That... doesn't matter. He's a demon. I'm a hunter. That's life. I have liked a lot of people and a lot of people have liked me. Meanwhile, life goes on. Let's talk about something other than romance and hunting."

"Okay, have you ever been to New York?" Her energy and ability to distract me from my own issues was something I had forgotten existed. Not on purpose, but by accident.

Equals (Crowley Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें