Soon enough, Jay found himself in the kitchen, cooking dinner for everyone. Sunghoon's standing beside him, watching his every move, his eyes glancing at the food and at Jay's face from time-to-time. "Let me help," Sunghoon reached out a hand to grab the spoon that Jay was holding, but Jay was quick enough to swat his hand away.

"Don't touch," Jay firmly says, making Sunghoon pout like a sulking child. At the sight, Jay playfully rolls his eyes, making Sunghoon burst into a chuckle, helping out with other things instead. Meanwhile, Sunoo and Jungwon are preparing the table.

(Sunoo sheepishly smiled at Jungwon, "just let them sleep over. It'll be a good exercise for the whole fake dating thing, you know!"

Jungwon sighs, glancing at the door of his room where Jay was inside trying to take another nap. "Seriously?"

"And," Sunghoon clasps his hands together giddily, "Sunoo has always wanted a double sleepover date," he grins and was met with a smack on his arm by his boyfriend.

"Don't expose me like that!" Sunoo huffs.)

Jungwon walks over to stand beside Jay, looking at the food he's cooking. It smells really good, and he can see Jay glance at him through his peripheral. "Wanna stir it?" Jay asks.

"Sure," Jungwon takes the spoon Jay offered and begins to stir.

"Good," he hears Jay say beside him. "You're not bad."

"There is clear favoritism here!" Sunghoon exclaims in disbelief.

"It's not favoritism," Jay turns to look at him, crossing his arms. "I'm simply being honest. And before you complain about not letting you stir, it's because you'd probably end up burning it."

"EXCUSE ME?!" Sunghoon scoffs, making all of them crack into a smile. Jay snorts, smirking. Meanwhile, Sunghoon continues on, "'There's no favoritism here, I'm just being honest.' 'Not bad, Wonie-pie,'" Sunghoon mimics, exaggerating as he purposely made his voice more high pitched. He then says with his normal voice, "Not bad about what? About literally just stirring?"

Jungwon and Sunoo burst into giggles, and Jay walked over to Sunghoon to pat his back in mock comfort, "Don't worry, Hoonie-pie. I'll let you cook the food next time."

"Nah, I'm good," Sunghoon shakes his head.

It was a bit chaotic, but in a fun way, when the four ate dinner together. They even ended up playing rock paper scissors after they've eaten to determine who'll wash the dishes. Jay told everyone he's basically exempt because he already cooked for them, and Jungwon ended up losing the round.

Jungwon washed the dishes alone for a while as Sunghoon and Sunoo argued over what movie to play as they made the pillow fort in front of the TV. Jay ended up walking back to where Jungwon was and helped with the dishes, not really saying a thing.

Dimples appeared on Jungwon's face as he glanced at Jay appreciatively. Again, they don't talk about it.

When the two were done, they headed over to where their friends were, who had successfully created a pillow fort. "We have decided," Sunghoon mutters as he holds on the remote, "we will watch a horror movie."

"Awwh," both Jay and Jungwon grumble under their breaths in protest.

"Trust me, I don't want it too," Sunghoon glances at Sunoo who's staring at him and he gives his boyfriend a nervous smile. "But whatever Sunoo wants, Sunoo gets..."

Sunoo gets in-between the two as he slides both arms around Jungwon and Jay's shoulders. "Don't worry about it guys, it's not a horror movie with ghosts and scary clowns or anything. We're watching Halloween. You know, Michael Myers?"

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