Chapter Nine

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Pedri's POV

"There is your girlfriend".

"Grow up, Ferrán".

"How about you grow some balls and ask her out? She's been looking at you a lot lately. And not with those I'll kill you eyes she reserves for me".

"I wonder why", I say, rolling my eyes.


"What are you doing?", I whisper.

"What do you want?"

"To ask you about London. Did you have fun? Met some friends? Found some secrets on how we can beat them in our Champions League match? That kind of stuff".

I finally look at her and she looks...uncomfortable. Not her usual confident self at all.

"Yeah, it was a good trip", she answers quickly and I could swear she looked at me before looking away.

"What did you do?"

"You know. Just met with the girls and we had some food, went out...normal things people do with friends. You might get to experience it one day if you make any, Ferrancito".

Ferrán laughs but I can tell something's wrong. Her tone wasn't the usual one she uses for Ferrán. It felt like she was forcing herself to be mean.

When I see Zoe trying to go the opposite way we are going, I walk behind her until I catch up. She walks fast.

"Zoe. Are you ok?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. You look different", I can't pinpoint what it is but it's like the fire she's so known for has left her.

"I think I'm coming down with a cold. You should probably stay away from me. I don't want to be blamed for you missing more matches".

She starts walking fast again and I give up following her. Her eyes looked glassy and maybe it is because of a cold. But...I feel like there is more. And I'm stupid enough to still care.

Zoe's POV

When I close the door to the dressing room behind me, I finally allow myself to start sobbing. I cover my eyes with my hands and try to control my breathing but I can't.

"Zoe? You ok?"

"Yes", I say, trying to clean my tears before Salma can get closer to me. "I really think I'm getting a cold. The weather was so bad in London. I...".

"Do colds make you cry?"

No, midfielders from the Canary Islands do.

Seeing the compassion on Salma's face only makes me cry harder and she hugs me before taking me to the bench to sit.

"Just let it all out. You can tell me about it later if you want to".

And so I do. Allowing myself to be held by a friend in a vulnerable moment. I don't do this often. I don't cry often either so when I all comes out. It's ugly, really. But she doesn't care because good friends don't care about those things.

"Thank you", I tell her when I stop crying.

"No need to thank me. Do you want to talk about it?"

"You have to promise not to tell anyone".

"Of course. Pinky promise?"

She makes me laugh before I take a deep breath and start telling her everything.

"And now he ignores me. Seeing him looking away whenever I'm there hurts so much, Salma. Today I saw him for the first time since coming back from London and I wanted to talk to him but when Ferrán asked me about what I did...I felt shame. I hate being the way I am sometimes but I don't know how else to behave".

"You are too hard on yourself, Zoe. And that causes these problems. You're too worried about being too tough or not being tough enough. What people will think...screw that. You're hurting yourself and you don't get to see how much we all like you. No one in the team thinks of you as bitchy, no matter how much the press tries to give you that name. And the men...they like you too. But you need to start facing these feelings because this much hurt inflicted on yourself isn't good. And you might miss on a guy that likes you and that you like because of it".

I know she's right. She's not the first person who's told me this. Martin did many times, actually. Telling me how lucky he felt because he got to see other sides of me no one else saw. But he also encouraged me to show the world.

"I'll try".

"Zoe...if he asked how you were just 10 minutes ago, it means he cares. Give yourself a couple of days to feel better and talk to him, please".

I nod. But it's all easier said than done.

Pedri's POV

"Zoe isn't doing well".

"What do you mean?", I worry Ferrán will tell me about her looking sad but I doubt he noticed. They've been joking like they always do. All while Zoe avoided looking at me or being in the same place as me for too long.

"She played pretty bad again and she's getting a lot of shit on social media. People are asking for her to be benched next match".

"Typical. One bad performance and everyone forgets about how good a player has been before".

Ferrán nods, still looking worried. "And she looks like this is really affecting her. I never expected her to react like that. I know she's not the cold bitch she pretends to be but she's strong. Though I guess feeling down sometimes doesn't make her less strong. But it's weird to see her like that".

"Have you noticed that too? Her change in mood?"

"Of course I have. Everyone has. The same way I've noticed you staring at her with a worried face every time she's around".

I close my eyes and sigh.

"Pedri. Why don't you talk to her? I really think she might feel something for you, you know?"

"She doesn't".

"You won't know until you ask...".

"She doesn't, Ferrán. I just know she doesn't, ok?"

I wish I could talk to her but I think I messed up. I think my pushing her away has actually worked and I should be happy. But how can I be when I see her looking like that? Ferrán is right. It's probably because of her performances but...a part of me wonders if it's because of me too. I guess in a twisted shitty way I hope it's because of me.

Although, thinking about it...the change happened after she visited London. And it kills me to think about it but it's probably got something to do with her ex. And ex I'll have to play against next week. I mean, what could go wrong?

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