Chapter Eleven

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Zoe's POV

"How's the jaw?"


"He should have done worse to you".

He swallows.

"Are you telling all of your teammates about what happened? Do you love bragging about getting to fuck me or something?"

"I haven't told anyone".

"Then why does Ferrán know? Martin told me...".

"Of course, you'll get your information from him. Ferrán doesn't know. He just knows I...I like you", he says, looking away quickly.

"So you write little hearts in your notebook now? Pedro hearts Zoe? Is that it?"

"You don't need to mock me".

"I mock you because no one is buying that. Of course you've probably told them every detail of what happened. That's what guys do".

"I haven't, Zoe. Make me the villain all you want but I haven't".

I spot some players walking past us and trying not to stare.

"Gavi! Come here!"

"I wouldn't recommend telling mister I can't keep a secret", he mutters.

"Has Pedri told you about us?"

"That he likes you? Yes. Did he tell you already? Are you going to date?"

"No!", we both say at the same time.

"I mean the other thing that happened. He told you, right?"

"What other thing?", Gavi does look very confused.

And it's then that two hands fall on my shoulders and I realise Ferrán was behind me this whole time.

"That's why he punched you. You told him you two have been sleeping together! And you didn't tell us, you asshole!"

"What?", I say, feeling so stupid.

"I guess it was you who told them", says Pedri, leaving me there just staring at the floor, embarrased.

How have I managed to mess things up even more? I guess I'm as toxic as Pedri thinks I am. Seeing the hurt on his face while I accused him of telling his friends shows me he's better off hating me. He deserves so much better. I can't keep hurting him. And I'm hurting Martin too. When will this stop?

"So, how long has this been going on for?"

"Ferrán, it's really not the time".

And when he sees my eyes, he doesn't say whatever it is that was going to come out of his mouth. He just nods and leaves. Gavi does the same. And I just stay here, alone. And it's all my doing. I'm always pushing people away and I'll end up alone. When will I learn? Probably when it's too late. Like it's right now. Because I already lost Pedri.

Pedri's POV

"Pedri. Pedri! ...Pedro! Stop walking!"

"I'm really not in the mood, Ferrán".

"Well, tough luck. You and I need to talk".

"I'm not telling you the details", I say, annoyed at him.

"Really? Do you think that's what I'll ask for? You're fucking hurting and so is she! Why didn't you tell me about any of it? I mean, I sort of guessed something might be going on but not that. And I was waiting for you to be ready to tell me. But I guess you don't trust me as much as I thought you would".

When I finally stop and look at my friend's face, I see the hurt in his face. It's three of us hurting then.

"Because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. That's why".

I finally allow myself to cry and Ferrán hugs me while I do.

"I told you I could feel she liked you back and now I'm even surer of it. You'll fix this, bro. I know you will".

"How? How are we going to fix anything? She's just used me before going back to her ex and now she accuses me of things I haven't done. That's how little she thinks of me. I'm just a toy to her".

"I don't think that's...".

"You don't get it, Ferrán. She can see how I feel about her. And she doesn't care".

"She cares. Pedri, come on. You know her better than I do and that tough girl facade is just that. I know there is more to her than that".

"Then you should date her!"

"Don't be childish".

"I'm tired of her games. I don't even want to hear her name, understood?"

"You're just hurting...".

"Then let me hurt".

He doesn't get it. None of them do. Every time I see Zoe, my heart feels like it wants to get out of my chest. And she just takes it and steps on it. I can't do this anymore. This needs to stop. Now.

Golden Couple (Pedri)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ