Chapter Two

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Pedri's POV

"I can't believe we are here just because of a pretty girl", I say while we go inside the Johann Cruyff stadium.

"We've done worse just because of a pretty girl", says Ferrán.

"Don't you have a girlfriend, bro? What are you doing here?"

"I'm not here to see Zoe but to see which one of you humiliates himself in front of her the most. I remember hearing about her when I was in England. She'll eat any of you trying to flirt with her for breakfast. It's going to be hilarious".

The rest of the boys and I ignore his comment and have to keep stopping for photos with the fans. That's something they didn't keep in mind. These fans are also our fans. So making our way to our seats takes way too long but we still manage to get there before kick-off.

Then the social media team wants to take a photo of all of us to show how much we support the women's team. If only they knew...

"Look at her!"

"Gavi, don't point at her!", I say, slapping his hand.

"Too obvious?"

I just roll my eyes and look at the players warming up. It's easy to spot Zoe because she just stands out. And she doesn't seem to shy away from the attention but she actually loves it. She's so aware of where the cameras are and every time she walks past her fans, she smiles and waves at them. Maybe I should have brought a banner with her name on it too.

Zoe's POV

My first match back at the club means the nerves are almost making me sick. But I'm not going to let anyone know. Rule number 1 for me is to never show any weaknesses.

"Have you noticed them?"


"The players from the men's team in the stands. So random they are here for this match".

"Do they not come to see you often?", I ask, hearing my teammates' conversation.

"Not really", says Mapi. "One or two do but not the whole gang. And definitely not that gang".

"What do you mean? Who is there?"

"The really popular ones who are also single but...I guess I might know why they are here now".

"Why?", I ask.

"Because of you".

She is joking. I know she is. But it's not funny to me. That was what happened at Arsenal. The moment I signed for the team, some of the younger players from the men's team started to show up in training, at matches,... But the person I ended up dating didn't do any of those things. So these ones who showed up today could learn from that.

"Well, I'm not interested in dating a footballer so whatever".

Everyone goes back to focusing on what really matters, the match. And we go back to the pitch, where our rivals are waiting for us.

Before stepping out, I take a deep breath and try to clear my mind. I haven't been this nervous since I was a teen, what's wrong with me?

I look around before the referee signals the beginning of the match and I see them, the players. There are quite a few, actually. At Arsenal, they used to take turns but maybe these are cockier. They look like they are.

But if someone gets to be cocky around here, it's me. And I'm going to show them how good I am, so they can value that and not how I look.

This Barça team I'm now a part of has been dominating Spanish football for the last couple of years and God is it nice to play in a system like this. Arsenal have a great squad too but the creativity of these players is unmatched. And I learnt to play football in the Barça academy so this system is perfect for me.

We are already leading at halftime by 2 goals and one of them was assisted by me. But I want more, I want my goal. And in the second half, I get it.

My teammates come to celebrate with me and when they are going back to get ready to keep playing, I find the camera and give it a salute. That's been my celebration for a couple of years now. First time I use it for a goal with Barça but I know it won't be the last.

When I run back to my place on the pitch, I see the players from the men's team looking at me. One of them, Ferrán Torres, leans down to whisper something to Pedri, my fellow number 8. And he reacts by pushing him and making the former City player laugh.

4-0, an easy win and a great start to the season for me. It feels good to be back where I belong.

Pedri's POV

"Do you think that's what she does after sex too? Celebrate with a salute and that smirk?", says Ferrán so only I can hear him.

I push him and tell him to shut up. Now I'm going to have that thought stuck in my mind. Zoe is no one else I've seen before. She's arrogant, not just confident, but it doesn't put me off. It actually makes her even sexier.

"Boys", we all turn to see someone from the club talking to us. "Would you like to take some photos with the women's team? Maybe you can also give the Player of the Match award?"

"Who got it?", asks Eric.


And that's all they need to know to say yes. So only a couple of minutes later we see Zoe running towards us. Well, she's running towards the dressing room but we are blocking the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"They are going to give you your Player of the Match award, Zoe. Why don't you come here for a second and we can record it quickly".

Something changes in her mood but I can't point out what it is. I think she looks...mad? But why? We are just going to give her an award.

"Maybe it should just be one of them. Any preferences?"

She looks at us with disdain. "I don't care. Can we do this quickly? I'm sweaty and need a shower. I feel gross".

"Still looks fucking sexy", says Balde and she gives him a death stare.

"Pedri should do it!", says Ferrán, making me stare at him. "Do you know Pedri?"

"Yeah", she says, looking uninterested.

But Ferrán only pushes me towards her. He seems to be the only one who isn't afraid of her after the way she looked at Balde. Probably because he is the only one who isn't here to flirt with her. He's got nothing to lose.

"Sorry about them...", I start to say but she cuts me off.

"Where is the award then?"

Someone brings it to me and films a little video of me giving the little trophy to her. Even though Zoe smiles for the camera, I can tell that's not a real smile. It's not like the one she had on the pitch.

"Congrats", I say to her when the video is done, "you played really well".

"Yeah, I know. But now all people will talk about is you being here".

"What?", I try to ask, but she leaves without saying more.

So that's why she was mad when she saw us. We're outshining her little moment of fame and she's pissed.

"You survived being next to her", says Gavi, looking at the dressing room's door slightly terrified.


"Is it bad that her being an absolute asshole turns me on?", asks Eric and I see the rest of the boys really thinking about an answer.

"I don't think it's worth it. Forget about her", I say, leaving them and going to my car.

A part of me wants to hate Zoe for acting like that. But I think I understand her too. Or maybe I'm blinded by her being so beautiful like all the others are. Like I said to Eric, probably better to forget about her. She plays for Barça too but we aren't on the same team. It's not as if we're going to see each other much.

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