Chapter Six

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Zoe's POV

"This is a mistake", I say while I continue kissing him.

"I know, terrible mistake. Lift your arms", he asks and when I do, he takes my top off. "I've never made a bigger mistake".

His lips attach to my neck, making me close my eyes. He knows what he's doing. Ever since he started to kiss me, it felt like we've done this a thousand times. There's no hesitation. No worries about doing something wrong. It just feels natural. I thought he was confident on the pitch but now I know that was nothing. It's in this moment that I've seen the most confident version of Pedri and I'm definitely enjoying that confidence. Like he's enjoying mine. But...this car is so small.

"How much do you earn?"

"What?", he asks, shocked by my question.

"We should have gone to my car. Can't you afford something bigger than a mini?"

"I can. But I like this car. And I didn't buy it thinking about how easy it would be to have sex in the back".

"Something to keep in mind for the next car purchase then".

He laughs, helping me out of my shorts and then taking his off as well. He keeps looking at me and I'm grateful I'm not insecure because the way he seems to be trying to memorize every inch of my body intimidates me a bit. I'm not sure anyone has ever looked at me like that. And when his eyes meet mine...

"Yeah", he says, bringing his lips back to mine, "what a mistake we are making".

But we are making a big mistake. Even if I don't stop him. Even if I don't want to stop him. I know I don't want to get involved with a player again and go through the same problems I had before. It was hard enough once, why would I put myself through the same again?

The thing is I have been lying to myself trying to create this narrative of me hating Pedri. Of me being annoyed by his behaviour or being extra mad at him just because he said something hurtful without knowing he was doing so.

I was just scared of falling for him. It's ok to be attracted to him. I'm attracted to plenty of men but with him...I didn't feel like I would do something like what I'm doing now. Just have sex and move on. He's not the kind of man I'll use in that way. So this is a huge mistake because I won't be able to stop thinking about this moment, wanting to repeat it. And wanting more. Not just sex in a car but all the other aspects of a relationship. Because that's also something I've been missing since my ex and I broke up. But what if Pedri doesn't want that? What if he just wants to have sex and move on? What if he's the one that breaks my heart? I can't risk it.

"You ok?", he says, passing me my top before picking up his clothes.

"Yeah, I'm fine".

Gone is my confidence that led us to this situation. I hope he can't see how terrified I am by my conflicting feelings. Because I really am truly terrified.

"Zoe, I need to tell you something. I...".

"This changes nothing, ok? Don't mention it to anyone".

"I wasn't planning on doing that".

The way his face falls at my words is painful to see. So I just put my clothes back on and leave his car as fast as I can. We shouldn't have done this.

Pedri's POV

I close my eyes and sigh, trying to calm my heart down before driving home. I can't believe what just happened but it's easy to believe Zoe's reaction. And she was right because this was a big mistake. How am I supposed to move on from her now? Now that I know her in such an intimate way. I'm not going to be able to get out of my head how it felt to have her in my arms. The way it felt to kiss her and her reactions to my touches on her perfect body. I feel like I'll be afraid of closing my eyes and reliving it all for the rest of my life. Of sleeping and dreaming about her again, but now knowing what the real version feels like.

At least I know she wanted this. It's not as if I took advantage of her. Actually, it feels like she took advantage of me. Using me when she was feeling horny and then leaving just like that. Not caring about my feelings. I guess I'm stupid enough to think she cares about my feelings so I probably deserve to feel how I feel now. She'll probably laugh herself silly thinking about what an idiot I am. About how easy it was to get me to do whatever she wanted.

And I almost told her how I feel about her. Thankfully, she stopped me before I could embarrass myself. She would have just laughed at me and called me a lovesick teenager or something like that. Her arsenal of insults is great. Ferrán knows it better than anyone. But he takes everything as a joke. With me... it's different. There is nothing funny about this.

But what makes me laugh is how this is also so typical for someone like me. Everyone talking about how I can get any girl I want because I'm rich and famous. But the one I really want...that one I'll never have. 

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