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"Y/N can I come in?" Aerum peaks inside from the door of my room.

"Yes" I allow her in the room getting up to sit straight on my bed. She walks in sitting cross me.

"I'm so sorry what happened today." She speaks as I nod. It's was not her fault.

"It's okay. It was not your fault" I look down. It has been a long time since I had   a proper conversation with her.

"But the way I've treated you is my fault and I'm so sorry for that. I know I can not turn back time but Y/N I'm so so so guilty for the past. I let mom influence me." She held my hands softly speaking sincerely.

"Eonnie I've no grudges against anyone in this house. You all are my family. Mom and dad have given me a name a shelter and a family to call it mine. If it wasn't you all I would have spent my childhood in the orphanage then I would have been kicked out after turning eighteen with no place to go to. I'm thankful to our parents. Families have problems. I'm going to start a new life soon I wanna start it with no negative feeling about anyone around me."

"It still doesn't justify our behaviour towards you and I wanna make it up to you. Will you forgive me?" I nodded as I give her a tight hug. This feels good.

"But why were you arguing with mom downstairs?" I asked.

"So mom just came and said that she'll ask you to say no to this marriage since Jungkook doesn't seem take that from her and ask you to convince him to give it a try with me that's absurd mom is being irrational I just hope she realize it soon." God I could have never said no to him after the time we're spending with each other. Moreover convincing him to try it out with Aerum that would have been painful.

"Anyway tell me does Mr. Jeon makes you feel butterflies in your tummy?" She asked teasingly as a blush creep up on my cheeks

"Eonnie I thought you liked Jungkook" I asked cause I remember she had a crush on him.

"Yeah I did but not anymore. He likes you and the feelings here are mutual whereas in my case only I liked him he never looked at me or anyone like that as far as I know and I'd wanna be with someone who likes me as much as I do. Jungkook is a woman attractor not like he does it intentionally its his charms that do the job. But as much as I've heard he has never misused it he's always been a respectful man." She gives the details cause she's been more into those gatherings and social to know these stuff.

"Guess I'm lucky to have him." I smile thinking about it.

"Aye he's lucky to have you. My Y/N is the most precious human. He should be thanking God to have you as his partner." I chuckle she exaggerated this..

"Also I've to tell you something." She looks nervous.

"What is it eonnie?" I asked curiously.

"Umm I got selected for an audition!" What???

"EONNIE! ITS A GOOD NEWS" I almost screamed engulfing her body in a tight hug.

"I'm so happy for you."

"Y/N I can't breath" I chuckle breaking the hug.

"I'm sorry. So how did it happen you stopped giving audition long ago.

"So I met a guy in that gathering last week. We talked he was a super nice guy I opened up to him about my passion towards acting he told me he have connections in agencies so I went for an audition two days ago and the director was impressed. They Said I can't be an idol because of my age but definitely an actress they'll train me for a few months to polish my skills and after that I might start with side roles in dramas or movies and after some time I'll could be the lead actress too." Wow she deserves it its her passion.

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