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Since having Ashlyn Papi and I have had four more babies. we've got more boys than girls which papi loves. 

and it seemed like after every pregnancy Papi craved fucking me more and more.

He later told me that with his best friend carrying his kids and nurturing him it flipped a switch inside of him that made him wanna keep me pleasured and pregnant so he could watch me be a beautiful loving mother to our babies.

I don't work much as I use to. and its very rare that I'll pierce or ink someone. I mainly stay in the back in my office handling that matter before I leave to be at home with my babies and Papi.

when ever papi isn't home and he's outta town I don't work I stay home and make sure our kids are taken care of.

 After five kids papi's and my sex life is more wild and crazy. he still enjoys watching my pussy drink the mixed cum and he really fucking loves breastfeeding from me.

My life had went from great to incredible thanks to my best friend changing it just by claiming me and making me his.


A/N: thank you for viewing and voting on this story.

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