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Since that night those brothers came into mine and Happy's home wanting to take him away from me by killing him I've been leery about being around the Mayans. 

I always watch those who are around Happy when I'm near. my trust in people wearing Kuttes with a Mayan on it is none existent despite those who had no part in the home invasion and attempt murder.

Happy hasn't tried to get me to understand that just cause the brothers tried to kill him the other Mayans won't. cause he understands how I feel when people have tried the same thing with me years ago.

RIght now I am sitting across the room from Happy rubbing my big seven month belly while a couple Mayans are chatting with Happy about different shit.

When I see Angel walk in my whole demeanor changes and some how without looking at me Happy knows about it cause he walks over to me and starts to rub my belly to calm me down as he holds me close.

 I keep watch of Angel not trusting him to not seek revenge for his mother and brother.

When he walks over I drop my hand down to Happy's side but he grabs my hand and holds it.

When Angel sits across from us I keep watching him.

"I want to apologize for Ez's behavior that day. he was seeking revenge despite us having already gotten it. he filled my head with so much bullshit till I tagged along that day. I am so sorry that my brother wanted to kill your husband and that he never listened to your warning and you protected your husband the way any loving wife would do. & I just wanted to personally come and let you know that I will not be coming for revenge and I hope you all the best in life" he says before he gets up and leaves.

" I will still keep my guard and watch up" I tell Happy 

"I know mami" he says as he lets my hand go and goes back to rubbing my belly.

I sighed and lay back against his hold and snuggle into his arms.

"I love you" he says

"love you too. so damn much" I replied

he kisses the top of my head since I laid it on his collar bone and he comforted me and calmed me down.

In Your Arms (complete)Where stories live. Discover now