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"Harry your fine everything's fine. Everyone's okay." Draco kneels on the floor beside him.
Harry sobs loudly leaning against the wall.
"Everyone's okay, the war is over, it's 5 years later Harry." The blonde's voice is soft and kind. He yanked one of Harry's t shirts on that was on the floor quickly.

"I can't- i can't breathe-." Harry chokes out one hand clutching at his chest and the other coming up to clutch at Draco's hand. "Draco i can't breathe!" His eyes are wide in panic and his breathes are coming out far too quickly.

This situation was so sudden, Draco was in the shower only 10 minutes ago before he heard a loud bang cause by Harry standing up and leaning on the bedside table a bit too heavily from his panic and the lamp fell off the edge. Harry had paced to the other side of the room and sat down in the corner next to Draco's bedside table. Now Draco was next to him pulling on the top and keeping the towel wrapped around his waist.

"Okay, your okay, We're sat on the bedroom floor next to the bedside table up against the wall." Draco whispers slowly and lifts the hand that's clutching his own up to his chest so Harry can feel him breathing. "Breathe darling. You need to take deep breathes or you'll faint." He said little more firmly now.

"You died." Harry sobs grabbing at Draco's shirt. "You almost died, i saw it-."

"No i didn't i'm here, i'm alive." Malfoy's eyebrows furrow slightly. This was new.

"In the manor after you lied, I thought-" Harry let's out a harsh and painful sounding sob. Draco brushes some hair from his face. "I thought you died. i saw you die."

"I'm alive Harry i'm here with you."

"They tortured you because you lied for me." Harry heaves and Draco accios a bucket expecting him to be sick. But Harry just throws his head back to lean against the wall. Draco wasn't even aware Harry new about this. It hadn't came up yet.

"It doesn't matter." The blonde shakes his head and gently strokes his jaw with his thumb. "I'm alive Harry look." And Harry does, he turns his head to meet grey eyes.

New tears fall from his green eyes. "Your okay, Oh merlin Draco your okay." He lifts both hands to Draco's face. "I can't breathe, i thought- i thought he was lying but it's real isn't it. What they did to you."

"Yes i'm fine all okay. Who did you think was lying?"

"I just- i remembered that you lied for me in the manor and then i saw it through Voldemorts mind, i saw what they did." Harry turns his head dropping his hands away from the blonde's face and heaves again. Draco lifts the bucket and Harry takes it gratefully.

"When did you remember this?" Draco asks he's very confused. He didn't know Harry knew about this and he especially didn't know Harry actually saw it.

"I've always remembered it."
Draco rubs his back soothingly.
"How could i not i- i saw everything." And then he's emptying his stomach contents into the bucket.

"It's okay Harry, That was ages ago-." Draco accios a bottle of water and a calming draught. "Here," He opens the water and lifts it to Harry's lips. The hysteric man took a sip swishing it around his mouth and spitting it into the bucket. He takes another sip this time drinking it down.

"Draco please," Harry squints his eyes shut, he's still shaking like a leaf. "please tell me it was fake."

He considers it he really does, but he can't lie to him.

"I'm sorry Harry i can't." He strokes his hair.

Harry let's out another sharp cry. It hurts his chest.

"c'mon let's get in bed it can't be comfortable down here." He tucks a hand around Harry's waist and helps him up. Harry is up on shaky legs leaning most of his weight on the other man. He turns Draco's face towards him and looks at him deeply.

"I'm sorry."

"This is what we do Potter, We help each other." Draco smiles and helps him onto the bed he goes to stand up but Harry clutches his shoulders and pulls him down to lay on top of him. Draco thinks it should be the other way around but decides against voicing these opinions as Harry seems to need this.

"I'm sorry for not getting you out."

"No- Harry if you'd gotten me out who knows what would've happened. We might not even be here today. And i'd choose this path over that any day." Draco smiles. Harry puts a hand onto the back of his neck and pulls him down to rest on his chest.

Sending that most of his panic attack was gone now Draco let's out a relieved breathe and allows Harry to hold him tightly. It was too tight but he'd never pass it down for anything less.

"Will you tell me the whole thing."

"The whole thing?"

"Everything they did to you. That night." Harry is stroking his hair. He wasn't sure why Harry was the one holding him but the brunette didn't seem to want to let go at all. "I only saw...bits of it." and with that Harry shivers as if picturing it again. It seems he saw some of the more brutal bits.

"Maybe another day, After a few drinks perhaps." Draco attempts at a joke but he doesn't get a reaction.

"Promise?" Harry's voice is small.

"Why do you want to know." Draco asks gently.

"Because that's what causes your episodes, You thought i didn't know what caused them but i do because it fuels my anxiety." Harry mumbles and Draco's breathe catches.

"Okay, i'm promise. I love you."

"Love you too."

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