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(image above referencing how they fell asleep lol)

Ron didn't realise it till he walked fully into the living room of Grimmauld place.He'd only seen the top of Harry's head over the sofa and just shrugged and went on to make himself a cup of tea. He was a little surprised when he saw not one but two wine glasses used in the sink but he didn't really think anything of it.

But when he walked into the living room on the other side of the sofa he found himself gaping and dropping his tea on the floor. The sound of the glass shattering woke not only one person but two. Green eyes blink open from underneath round glasses and then a blue pair blink open.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?" Ron is flabbergasted as he looks between the pair. "When did this happen?" He asks gesturing between the two cuddled up on the sofa.

Harry fumbles sitting upright and correcting his glasses.He doesn't move his arm from around the other man's waist instead tightening it.Trying to keep him there. The blonde looks ready to flee. His eyes wide looking at the ginger. "Ron this- erm well we're- i was going to tell you." Harry say's sheepishly.

"Draco really?" Ron raises his eyebrows at Draco.He hadn't expected this from Draco considering their friendship.

"We wanted to wait." Is Dracos only comment. Ron's just shakes his head. The blonde wrinkles his nose at the mess on the floor and Harry cleans it up with  wandless magic.

"Does anyone else know?" Ron feels silly.His best friend and friend had kept this from him?

"Er well Luna kinda figured it out and no doubt she told Ginny so just them to." Harry grimaces at Ron's face.

"My sister knew before me?" He exclaims. Draco winces and sits up stretching his back.

"Well we didn't mean for them to find out." The brunette says with a shrug as he hooks his head over Dracos shoulder. Ron is in disbelief of the domestic ness of it all.

"how long?"

"Is this an interrogation?" Draco huffs unhelpfully.Harry pinches his waist.

"A few...months." Harry winces as once again Ron in gaping at them. "Are you mad?"

"Mad?? We've all been waiting for this! there are bets running." Ron yelps bring a hand up through his hair.

"'We've'? 'Bets'." Draco is now the one gaping. "Like bets against us?" He frowns at Ron.

Ron frowns back shaking his head. "About when you're going to get together and who initiates it."

"Well i definitely initiated it." Harry laughs flopping back onto the sofa. Draco turns and scowls at him slapping his chest but his lips twitched upwards.

"How did it happen?" Ron says curiously and sits down on the armchair.

Harry starts laughing again and Draco rolls his eyes with a small smile. "Oh Ron, You know club nights we do with everyone? well it happened in there months ago. I had formed a massive crush on this twat like ages before this." The twat part earns him a nudge to the ribs. "And when i saw him on the dance floor with another man and they were dancing quite erm y'know. And i was like- nope. So i went over told the man to fuck off and Draco then told me what a cock blocker i was and i made a bit of a failed crude joke."

"A failed crude joke?" Ron laughs.

"A cock blocker wouldn't be hoping to shove his cock in you." Draco rolls his eyes as he says it in a mock of Harry's voice.

Harry flushes red. "I didn't mean to say it like that!"

"What happened after that?"

"I slapped him and went to leave but he stopped me all embarrassed and apologised. 100 times." Draco grins.

"And you still got with him after that."

"Hey." Harry yells at Ron grouchily.

"Well it took a while. I think after that he made it clear to me about his crush and i may have had feelings too. But i think the main night that started it for me was when i got too drunk and he helped me home, He stayed the night and woke me up with a breakfast in bed." Draco smiles at the memory.

"Ah the night you were crying to pansy in front of everyone?"

"I was drunk!" Draco scowls embarrassed.

"Well after that we just got closer and closer till this formed." Harry smiles softly kissing the side of Draco's head.
Now this isn't something Ron thought would work,but seeing their faces- oh boy they were in love.

"Well i better leave you two love birds together-Wait,Wait you have to warn me if you ever shag on the sofa so i can never sit there." Ron's expression turns dark.

"Bit late."

Ron's grimaces with a shiver. "Whatever i'm going to tell Hermione. If that's ok?"

"Yeah it's fine." Draco grins looking at Harry who grins back a lot wider.

"We'll expect a howler, a floo call and the. someone coming through the floor." Ron laughs and takes his exit disappearing into the green flames with a "The weasleys."

"I love you." Harry smiles pulling them both back down onto the sofa.

"I love you too."

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